
Analiza izgub in presežkov v izbrani verigi preskrbe s hrano
ID Leben, Neža (Author), ID Juvančič, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kocjančič, Tina (Comentor)

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MD5: 20B2956B8154BABAB531F9170C703864

Na letni ravni v EU zavržemo 88 milijonov ton odpadne hrane. Z izgubami in odpadno hrano so zavrženi tudi vsi viri potrebni za pridelavo, poleg negativnih okoljskih vplivov pa odpadna hrana predstavlja velik finančni in družbeni problem. Presežki in izgube nastajajo na vseh stopnjah verige, od primarne proizvodnje do končnega potrošnika. Z namenom učinkovitega oblikovanja ukrepov preprečevanja odpadne hrane so v tej nalogi na začetku sistematično prikazani viri izgub in presežkov hrane glede na posamezen člen v verigi. Glede na hierarhijo prednostnega ravnanja so v nadaljevanju prikazani možni ukrepi oz. organizacijske možnosti preprečevanja odpadne hrane. V drugem delu magistrske naloge je predstavljeno novo razvito orodje Kalkulator vplivov preprečene odpadne hrane, katerega glavni namen je ozaveščanje in informiranje deležnikov o koristih preprečevanja odpadne hrane. Kalkulator vplivov omogoča kvantitativno vrednotenje okoljskih, finančnih in družbenih bremen odpadne hrane in koristi njenega preprečevanja. Uporaba kalkulatorja je v nalogi prikazana na dveh (obstoječih) primerih, na katerih ocenjujemo finančne, okoljske in družbene koristi preprečevanja odpadne hrane na stopnji primarne pridelave (pridelava krompirja) in trgovine (prodaja kruha). Razvoj orodja predstavlja enega prvih korakov pri naslavljanju obravnavane problematike in hkrati izpostavlja potencial pri njegovi nadaljnji širitvi.

Keywords:živila, odpadna hrana, verige preskrbe s hrano, izračuni, vplivi, kalkulator, proizvodnja, prodaja, krompir, kruh
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144249 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:141188099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of food losses and surpluses in selected food supply chain
In the EU, 88 million tonnes of food waste are thrown away every year. In addition to the negative environmental impacts, food waste is a major financial and social problem. Losses and surpluses occur at all stages of the chain, from primary production to the final consumer. In order to effectively design food waste prevention measures, this thesis starts by systematically mapping the sources of food losses and surpluses according to each link in the chain. Based on the food waste hierarchy possible measures or organisational options to prevent food waste are presented in this thesis. In the second part of the MSc thesis, the newly developed Food Waste Impact Calculator tool is presented, the main purpose of which is to raise awareness and inform stakeholders about the benefits of food waste prevention. The Impact Calculator allows for a quantitative evaluation of the environmental, financial, and social burdens of food waste and the benefits of its prevention. The use of the calculator is illustrated by two (existing) examples, where the financial, environmental, and social benefits of food waste prevention are assessed at the primary production (potato production) and retail (selling bread). The development of the tool represents one of the first steps in addressing the issue at hand, and at the same time highlights the potential for its further extension.

Keywords:food waste, food supply chains, impact calculator, production, retail, potatoes, bread

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