The diploma thesis titled Ensuring the Conditions for Successful Police Work in the Coming Decade while Respecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is set out to determine how the work of a police officer changed in the last decade and what is expected from the work of a police officer and what challenges the police will be faced with in the coming decade while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.
A descriptive method was used to study domestic and foreign literature and sources from the selected field. Also, an inductive-deductive method was used to determine the challenges of the police in the coming decade based on the study of individual literature and sources.
The thesis finds that only with the proper staff occupancy of the job positions, proper equipment, adequate education and trainings, legislation, good working environment and consistent control of the work of police officers, the appropriate working conditions for successful police work are ensured and thus also the respect of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms to which the police must strive also in the future.