
Odnos odgovornih za ravnanje z ljudmi do duševnega zdravja in duševnih težav ter s tem povezano ravnanje z zaposlenimi v delovnih organizacijah : magistrsko delo
ID Androjna, Maša (Author), ID Babnik, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Masten, Robert (Comentor)

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Duševno zdravje in duševne težave sta v okviru delovnih organizacij izjemno pomembni, z zakonodajo regulirani, a obenem precej stigmatizirani področji, ki se ju, glede na prisotnost duševnih težav v družbi, pogosto premalo naslavlja. Pomembno vlogo pri ustvarjanju podpornega okolja ter implementaciji intervencij za spodbujanje duševnega zdravja in ustrezno naslavljanje duševnih težav zaposlenih pa imajo odgovorni za ravnanje z ljudmi (tj. vodje kadrovskih služb ter vodilni). Raziskovanje njihovih prepričanj in ravnanj v okviru omenjenih tematik je tako ključno za oblikovanje primernih ukrepov in razreševanje problematike znotraj delovnih organizacij. V ta namen sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo z uporabo polstrukturiranega intervjuja in tematske analize, v kateri je sodelovalo 30 udeležencev iz 30 različnih srednjih (N = 11) in večjih (N = 19) delovnih organizacij v Sloveniji. Glavne tematike so vključevale: razumevanje pojma duševnega zdravja, razumevanje pojma duševnih težav, duševno zdravje in duševne težave v sistemu HRM ter aktivnosti delovnih organizacij na področju duševnega zdravja in duševnih težav. Rezultati kažejo, da prihaja tako pri odgovornih za ravnanje z ljudmi kot v okviru njihovih delovnih organizacij do težav pri ozaveščenosti in pismenosti na obeh področjih. Odnos udeležencev do duševnih težav je bil precej bolj negativen kot do duševnega zdravja. Udeleženci so se strinjali, da bi na obeh področjih lahko naredili več – tako na nivoju različnih aktivnosti znotraj delovnih organizacij kot ob pomoči zunanjih izvajalcev in inštitucij. Raziskava lahko služi kot dobro izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje duševnega zdravja in duševnih težav na delovnem mestu, poleg tega pa ponudi vpogled v trenutno stanje in prakse ter s teoretičnimi in praktičnimi nasveti prispeva k oblikovanju različnih aktivnosti na obeh področjih, s katerimi lahko dvignemo nivo duševnega zdravja v delovnih organizacijah v Sloveniji.

Keywords:duševno zdravje, duševne težave, vodilni za kadre, prepričanja, zaposleni, upravljanje s človeškimi viri
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Androjna]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143928 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143838723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes towards Mental Health and Mental Health Problems of Employees in Organizations – The Human Resource Management Perspective
Mental health and mental health problems take significant part in organizations, and even though regulated by law they remain inadequately addressed given the occurrence of mental health problems in society. But the key role in creating a supportive environment, implementing interventions to promote mental health, and addressing mental health problems appropriately lies with those responsible for the management of people (i.e., HR managers and supervisors). Critical for the introduction of appropriate measures and for finding ways to handle the problems is research on the above-mentioned personnel's beliefs and how they manage health issues. Therefore, I conducted a qualitative study applying semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis with 30 participants from 30 different, medium-sized (N = 11) and larger (N = 19) organizations in Slovenia. The main themes included: understanding the concept of mental health, understanding the concept of mental health problems, mental health and mental health problems in the HRM system and activities provided by organisations in the field of mental health and mental health problems. The results illustrate that those responsible for people management and the organizations themselves are presented with a challenge in terms of mental health awareness and literacy. There is also a certain degree of stigma attached to the areas in question. The interviewees displayed a more negative attitude discussing mental health problems than mental health as such. They interviewees were concordant that more could be done in either area – be it by means of various activities undertaken by organisations, or by external providers and institutions. The survey may serve as a good steppingstone for further research on mental health and mental health problems in the workplace, as well as providing insight into the current situation and practices; with its theoretical and practical guidelines it may contribute to the design of relevant activities in both areas, which could raise the level of mental health in organisations in Slovenia.

Keywords:mental health, mental health problems, HR executives, attitudes, personnel, human resource management

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