
Košarka, nogomet in rokomet kot neformalna oblika socialnega učenja : diplomsko delo
ID Panajotović, Mateja (Author), ID Šugman Bohinc, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje v procesu svojega vseživljenjskega razvoja osvajamo in izpopolnjujemo socialne veščine, ki se kažejo v odnosu do drugih ljudi in sporazumevanju z njimi. Za slednje je na začetku zaslužna družina, kasneje pa k temu doprinese tudi socialna mreža, ki si jo ustvarimo. Veščine pridobimo z učenjem skozi vzgojo in šolanje ter prostočasne aktivnosti. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati morebitne socialne veščine, ki so jih mladi razvili z ukvarjanjem s košarko, nogometom ali rokometom. In če so jih osvojili, ali se kažejo tudi v vsakdanjem življenju na drugih področjih. V teoretičnem delu kratko predstavim socialni razvoj v katerem oseba oblikuje svojo osebnost, podobo o sebi. Opišem pomen športa za življenje športnika, tako da opozorim na pomembno funkcijo prostočasnih dejavnosti mladih. Poudarim dobre lastnosti športa in značilnosti posameznika, ki je član ekipe. Na šport se ozrem skozi oči socialnega dela, tako da – šport opredelim kot potencialni vir moči in osvetlim, na kaj mora biti socialni delavec pozoren oz. kaj mora upoštevati pri delu z mladimi. Nazadnje podrobneje predstavim posamezne socialne veščine, ki so pomembne za socialni razvoj človeka. V empiričnem delu uporabim anketni vprašalnik in intervju. V anketnem vprašalniku sodeluje vzorec 500 oseb, v intervjuju pa 6 športnikov – po eno dekle in en fant iz posameznega športa. Zanima me, kaj jim je šport dal, kako usklajujejo šolo in šport, katere veščine so osvojili, kako delujejo znotraj ekipe, kaj jim pomeni šport in ali glede naštetih tem obstajajo razlike med dekleti in fanti ter med dijaki in študenti. Ugotovim, da študenti v primerjavi z dijaki menijo, da so s športom osvojili več socialnih veščin. Dekleta pa v večjem številu kot fanti v športu vidijo obliko neformalnega učenja. Večina vprašanih meni, da jim je šport veliko dal – tako prijateljev kot veščin za komunikacijo z ostalimi ljudmi. Pridobili so tudi organizacijske, delovne sposobnosti.

Keywords:socialne veščine, ekipni šport, neformalna oblika socialnega učenja, prosti čas mladih, vir moči
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Panajotović]
Number of pages:120 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143912 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:145430531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Basketball, football and handball as an informal form of social learning
In the process of a person's lifelong development, we conquer and perfect the social skills that we see relating to other people in communicating with them. In the beginning, a family plays a crucial role in learning social skills, and later on, the social network we create also plays a major role in learning new social skills. We acquire skills through education and leisure activities. The aim of the thesis is to explore the social skills that young people have acquired through their involvement in basketball, football or handball. And once accepted, the skills can be seen in other areas of everyday life. In the theoretical part I briefly present the social development in which a person shows his personality, his self-image. I describe the importance of sport in athlete's life by emphasizing the importance of leisure activities among young people. The importance of good sporting qualities and the characteristics of the individual who is a member of the team is crucial. I look at sport through the eyes of a social worker, defining sport as a potential source of strength and pointing out what the social worker has to pay attention to and what needs to be considered when working with young people. Finally, I present the individual social skills that are important for the social development of humans. In the empirical part, I conduct a questionnaire and an interview. A sample of 500 people took part in the survey and 6 athletes - a girl and a boy from different sports areas - took part in the interview. I analyze what sport has given them, how they coordinate school and sport, what skills they have learned through sport, how they get along in a team, what sport means to them, whether there are differences between girls and boys and between pupils and students on the topics mentioned above. I find that students have acquired more social skills through sport compared to pupils. Girls, on the other hand, see sport more as a form of informal learning than boys. The majority of respondents believe that sport has given them a lot - both friendships and the ability to communicate with other people. They have also acquired organizational and work skills.

Keywords:social skills, team sport, informal form of social learning, leisure of young people, source of strength

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