
Analiza potenciala i-volitev v Sloveniji z vidika vpliva pandemije COVID-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Gabrovec, Anja (Author), ID Dečman, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Internetno glasovanje je bilo za namen volitev do leta 2020 uporabljeno le v nekaj državah. Vendar gre hkrati za volilni mehanizem, ki se vse bolj raziskuje kot sredstvo omogočanja olajšanega dostopa volivcem, ki bi sicer težko prišli na volišče na dan volitev. Sočasno se je poseben potencial takšnega načina glasovanja pokazal v času, ko je svet zajela ena največjih zdravstvenih kriz, pandemija covida-19. Magistrsko delo poglobljeno obdela področje internetnih volitev in v empiričnem delu analizira namero uporabe internetnih volitev na slovenskih tleh. Kljub temu da se pandemija covida-19 umirja, pa je le-ta prebudila zavedanje po pomembnosti digitalne transformacije v razvoju družbe. Moderna in široko prisotna tehnologija namreč že omogoča uvedbo internetnih volitev, vendar takšno glasovanje prinaša številne izzive s področja varnosti, zasebnosti in tajnosti. Vse izzive smo v tem delu želeli celovito obravnavati in preučiti potencial izvedbe internetnih volitev v Sloveniji, v navezavi z obsegom uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT), sprejemanjem IKT pri storitvah javne uprave pred krizo covida-19 in po njej. V okviru empirične raziskave smo s pomočjo linearne regresije zaznavali šibek vpliv pandemije covida-19 na uporabo IKT v zasebnem življenju državljanov in podobno pri vplivu uporabe IKT ter namero uporabe internetnih volitev v prihodnosti. Hkrati smo s pomočjo Pearsonovega koeficienta korelacije ugotovili, da ni značilnih odstopanj, kadar govorimo o povezavi med indeksi e-participacije in uporabo IKT v izbranem obdobju pandemije. Kljub omejitvam, ki so zaznamovale pandemijo covida-19, le-ta glede na naše rezultate ni prinesla večjih sprememb glede uporabe IKT pri življenju državljanov. Obenem tudi uporaba IKT med državljani ne kaže vpliva na večjo naklonjenost k i-volitvam, kar pomeni, da bi v Sloveniji lahko dobili podporo za izvedbo i-volitev šele, ko bodo izpolnjeni tehnični, politični in družbeni pogoji, ki bodo ljudem dali zaupanje v volilni sistem, politike in ponujene tehnološke rešitve. Rezultati kažejo močno podlago za nadaljnje raziskave, ki bodo naslavljale omenjeni širši kontekst i-volitev.

Keywords:IKT, COVID-19, e-demokracija, e-participacija, i-volitve, zaupanje, digitalizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gabrovec]
Number of pages:XI, 78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143698 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:137458435 This link opens in a new window
Prešernova nagrada Fakultete za upravo – podelitev 3. 4. 2024 za magistrsko delo, mentor: izr. prof. dr. Mitja Dečman
Publication date in RUL:09.01.2023
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Title:The analysis of i-voting potential in Slovenia in relation to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic
Until 2022, Internet voting has been used for the purpose of elections only in a few countries. It is a voting mechanism that is being researched as an instrument that enables easy access to the voters, which would otherwise find it difficult to get to the polling station. The existence of this type of voting also proved as important when one of the world’s biggest health crises, the pandemic of covid-19, swept the world. The Master’s thesis focuses on the relevance of Internet voting and its intention to use it in Slovenia in the future. The covid-19 pandemic is slowing down, and a powerful digital transformation of society’s development has awakened. The intention to introduce it to the public is based on modern technology, but it also brings several technological challenges in the areas of security, privacy, and secrecy. The thesis focuses on all the challenges in a comprehensive way and examines the state of play of the public and private sectors and i-voting before and after the covid-19 crisis. In the empirical research linear regression was used. The results show a weak correlation between the covid-19 pandemic and the use of ICT in the private life of citizens and between the use of IT and the intention to use Internet voting in the future. Using Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, we conclude that there are no major discrepancies when it comes to the relationship between e-participation indices and IT use during the pandemic period. Despite the constraints that characterised the covida-19 pandemic, it did not, according to our results, bring about major changes in the use of ICT in citizens' lives. Simultaneously, the use of ICT among citizens does not indicate any impact on the increased preference of i-elections, which means that Slovenia could only gain support for i-elections when the technical, political, and social conditions are met that will give people confidence in the electoral system, policies and offered technological solutions. The results show a strong basis for further research addressing this broader context of i-elections which can also be used as a platform for further research in the future.

Keywords:ICT, COVID-19, e-democracy, e-participation, i-elections, trust, digitalization

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