
Feministična analiza romana Little Women avtorice Louise May Alcott in njegovih sodobnih adaptacij
ID Petko, Karin (Author), ID Balžalorsky Antić, Varja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Louisa May Alcott je pod pritiskom svoje družine in založnika leta 1868 napisala in izdala prvi del romana Little Women, ki je kmalu postal literarna klasika, namenjena predvsem kot vzgojno čtivo mladim dekletom. Danes se poleg brezčasne zgodbe roman pojavlja predvsem v feministično obarvanih razpravah in s poudarkom na avtobiografskih elementih. Zgodba, ki lepo predstavi položaj žensk v patriarhalni družbi 19. stoletja, odpira možnost feminističnega branja. Resnično najdemo v delu elemente, ki že namigujejo na takratno počasno rojevanje feminizma in zahtevajo opolnomočenje žensk v smislu samostojnosti in enakopravnosti. Glavni glas teh idej je v omenjenem romanu Jo March, danes pa zgodbo štirih Marchevih sester in njihov boj za svoje mesto v moškem svetu poleg originalnega romana pripovedujejo tudi številne adaptacije. Kot brezčasna literarna klasika je delo doživelo svojo sodobno ubeseditev izpod peresa pisateljice Anne Todd pod naslovom The Spring Girls, številni scenaristi in producenti, med katerimi se je pod zadnjo adaptacijo podpisala Greta Gerwig, pa so zgodbo malih žensk ponesli na filmska platna. Pri prehajanju iz enega zgodovinskega časa in kraja v drugega, kakor se je tega lotila Anna Todd, ki je originalno romaneskno zgodbo prestavila v 21. stoletje, in pri prehajanju žanrov, kar se dogaja pri filmskih adaptacijah, se deloma spremenijo tudi vsebina, ideje in sporočila zgodbe. Tako sodobna po-pripoved pokaže sodobni svet, v katerem so ženske samostojne in se lahko svobodno odločajo o svojem življenju – imajo izbiro; najmlajša filmska adaptacija romana pa subtilne feministične tone postavi v ospredje, da zazvenijo v vsej svoji polnosti. Obe adaptaciji se pripovedi lotita tudi s pomočjo drugačne pripovedne tehnike, spremenjenega ansambla oseb in še bi lahko naštevali. Kar vsa tri umetniška dela povezuje, pa je zgodba o štirih sestrah, ki si utirajo vsaka svojo pot v svet, ki je do njih bolj ali manj pravičen, ter sporočilo, da si ženske zaslužijo več in enako.

Keywords:ameriška književnost, feminizem, Louisa May Alcott: Little Women, priredbe, Anna Todd: The Spring Girls, Greta Gerwig
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143685 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:137641731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.01.2023
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Title:Feminist analysis of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women and its contemporary adaptations
In 1868, pressured by her family and publisher, Louisa May Alcott wrote the first installment of her novel Little Women, which soon became a literary classic mostly meant as educational reading material for young girls. Apart from the timeless story, the novel is today often a part of feminist debates with an emphasis on autobiographical elements. The story, which nicely presents the situation of women in the 19th century, is open for a feminist reading. There are elements in the novel that allude to the slow birth of feminism at the time and call for female empowerment in the sense of independence and equality. Jo March is the loudest advocate of such ideas in the novel; however, today, the story of the four March sisters and their fight for their place in the male world has also been retold by numerous adaptations. As a timeless classic, this literary piece became a modern re-telling with the title The Spirng Girls by Anna Todd, while many screenwriters and producers put the story of little women on the big screens. The latest was Greta Gerwig. The time shifts from one historical time and place to another, as illustrated by Anna Todd in her 21st-century re-telling, and the shifts in genres, which all occur in the film adaptations, also bring about a slight change in the content, idea, and message of the original story. Thus, the modern re-telling shows the contemporary world, in which women have their independence and are able to make decisions for their lives – they have a choice. On the other hand, the most recent film adaptation of the novel brings its subtle feminist tones into the forefront and lets them ring out in their entirety. Both adaptations deal with the original using a different narration technique, a changed ensemble of characters, and the addition of some other changes as well. However, what connects all three pieces of art is the story of four sisters who are making their way in a world that is more or less fair towards them and the message that women deserve more and the same.

Keywords:American literature, feminism, Louisa May Alcott: Little Women, adaptations, Anna Todd: The Spring Girls, Greta Gerwig

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