
Building relational spaces : doctoral dissertation
ID Juul, Gitte (Author), ID Zupančič, Tadeja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pedersen, Claus Peder (Comentor)

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Building Relational Spaces is an inquiry into the capacity of architecture to construct open, community-supportive, and responsive spaces that challenge the linearity of building and planning processes, - insisting on giving space and relevance to the vulnerable and un-represented in urban development. This artistic and practice-based research is a reflection on architecture in relation to the social and temporal communities, unfolding around it and weaving together with it. The research is structured as a dynamic process - based on reflections on selected projects from the architectural-artistic practice of Gitte Juul - where one project develops and leads into the next in this analysis. The research aims to contribute with knowledge about the role and significance of architecture in society through an interdisciplinary study of different forms of becoming. It designates the approach Situated Planning to challenge the power relations and the principle that architects - through representations - are shaping our surroundings before acting in them. To understand and develop this specific approach - and to demonstrate its relevance for the thinking and making of architecture - the research uses examples from practice, merged with artistic and theoretical reflection as its main research material and focus, based on the model 'Practice Driven Research. It points out topics and stimulates interests for further investigations and learning, aiming at bridging academic research, teaching, and architectural/artistic practice. It intends to show how architecture and planning can direct the attention towards the perspectives and values of the livelihoods that people create and change over time, and thereby possibly create an opportunity for architects and planners to see new strategies for dealing with what cannot be planned for, but only searched for.

Keywords:doctoral dissertations, open spaces, community, linearity of building, research, planning, vulnerable groups
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
Place of publishing:[S. l.]
Publisher:[G. Juul]
Number of pages:253 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:134932483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.01.2023
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Title:Grajenje relacijskih prostorov : doktorska disertacija
Doktorska disertacija z naslovom Gradnja relacijskih prostorov (Building Relational Spaces) raziskuje zmožnost arhitekture, da ustvarja prostore, ki so odprti, odzivni in podpirajo skupnost, da postavlja pod vprašaj linearnost procesov gradnje in načrtovanja, pri tem pa odločno udejanja stališče, da je treba zagotoviti prostor in veljavo ranljivim skupinam, ki sicer v procesih urbanega razvoja niso zastopane. Umetniška raziskava, ki izhaja iz prakse, obravnava arhitekturo v odnosu do družbenih skupnosti v času, se okrog nje razpira in se z njo prepleta. Raziskava je strukturirana kot dinamičen proces - osnovan na razmišljanjih o izbranih projektih iz arhitekturno-umetniške prakse Gitte Juul -, v katerem se analiza vsakega projekt razvije in vodi v analizo naslednjega. Cilj raziskave je nadgradnja védenja o vlogi in pomenu arhitekture v družbi, in sicer skozi interdisciplinarno proučevanje različnih oblik postajanja. V njej je osnovan pristop situiranega načrtovanja (situated planning), ki naj služi kot orodje za zoperstavitev odnosom moči in principu, po katerem arhitekti - skozi reprezentacije - oblikujejo naše okolje, ne da bi prej v njem delovali. Za razumevanje in razvoj tega specifičnega pristopa - in za ponazoritev njegove relevance pri razmišljanju in ustvarjanju v arhitekturi - raziskava kot gradivo za proučevanje in kot svoj fokus uporabi primere iz prakse, združene z umet- niško in teoretsko refleksijo, vse pa temelji na modelu raziskovanja iz prakse. Delo nakazuje teme in spodbuja zanimanje za nadaljnje proučevanje in učenje ter povezuje področja akademskega raziskovanja, poučevanja in arhitekturne/ umetniške prakse. Njegov namen je pokazati, kako lahko arhitektura in načrtovanje usmerjata pozornost k perspektivam in vrednostim konceptov bivanja ki jih ljudje ustvarjajo in spreminjajo skozi čas, in tako morda arhitektom in načrtovalcem ponuditi priložnost. da najdejo nove strategije za spoprijemanjem s tem, česar ne moremo načrtovati, pač pa lahko le iščemo.

Keywords:doktorske disertacije, odprti prostori, skupnost, linearnost procesov gradnje, raziskovanje, načrtovanje, ranljive skupine

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