
Prostori univerz(e)alnosti: Idejna zasnova dolgoročno prilagodljivega univerzitetnega prostora na primeru revitalizacije tovarne Ilirija na Viču
ID Dolinar, Tinka (Author), ID Blenkuš, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žitnik, Primož (Comentor)

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Univerza v Ljubljani in njene članice se v zadnjih desetletjih soočajo s prostorsko problematiko, tako na nivoju mesta kot na nivoju posameznih objektov. Vse večja razpršenost univerzitetnih prostorov, pomanjkanje prostorskih kapacitet, potrebne energetsko-potresne sanacije posameznih objektov so le nekateri izmed aspektov te prostorske problematike. Magistrsko delo se osredotoči na potenciale, ki izhajajo iz trenutnega prostorskega razvoja Univerze v Ljubljani in njenih članic, in rešitev prepozna v navezavi na pojem univerzalnost. Skozi raziskovanje razvoja in prihodnosti univerze ter pojmov univerzalnost, spremenljivost in prilagodljivost se izoblikuje koncept univerzalnega dolgoročno prilagodljivega prostora, ki bi članicam Univerze v Ljubljani služil kot prostor za nemoteno izvajanje študijskih procesov med gradnjo novih ali prenovo obstoječih prostorov fakultet in umetniških akademij. Programsko-prostorske analize posameznih članic Univerze v Ljubljani dokažejo smiselnost univerzalnega prostora univerze, ki se lahko spremeni in prilagodi katerikoli današnji fakulteti ali umetniški akademiji, pa tudi tistim, ki se bodo oblikovale v prihodnosti. Idejni projekt z umestitvijo novega univerzitetnega programa v programsko in prostorsko vprašljivo območje tovarne Ilirija ob Tržaški cesti dopolni sistem univerzitetnih objektov v mestu. Arhitekturna zasnova novih in prenovljenih objektov ustvarja novo identiteto območja Ilirije, ki se ga vključi v lokalni kontekst in revitalizira z novimi družbenimi vsebinami. Temeljni koncept projekta je vrnitev k prvotnemu pojmu universitas, kar v prevodu pomeni vse oziroma celoten, v čemer je potencial za uspešno prihodnost Univerze v Ljubljani. Univerzalen prostor, ki omogoča spremenljivost in prilagodljivost, bo ne le prestal spremembe v izobraževalnih procesih, ampak tudi omogočal in spodbujal nove ideje.

Keywords:Univerza v Ljubljani, univerzalnost, dolgoročna prilagodljivost, izobraževalni objekti, tovarna Ilirija, arhitektura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143625 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:138125059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Spaces of univers(ity)ality: Conceptual design of a long-term flexible university space in case of the revitalization of the Ilirija factory in Vič
In recent decades academies and faculties of University of Ljubljana have faced several spatial problems, at the level of the city and at the level of individual buildings. The increasing dispersion of university buildings, the lack of spatial capacities, the necessary energy and seismic renovation of individual buildings are only some of the aspects of this spatial problem. The master's thesis focuses on the potentials arising from the current spatial development of the University of Ljubljana and recognizes the solution in connection with the concept of universality. Through research of evolution and future of the university and concepts of universality, changeability and adaptability, the concept of a universal, long-term flexible space is formed. This space would serve the members of the University of Ljubljana to carry out their study processes without interruption during the construction of new or renovation of existing facilities of academies and faculties. The programmatic and spatial analyzes of the individual members of the University of Ljubljana prove the usefulness of the university's universal space, which can be changed and adapted to any academy or faculty, as well as those that will be formed in the future. The concept project, with the placement of a new university program in the programmatic and spatially questionable area of ​​the Ilirija factory along Tržaška cesta, completes the system of university facilities in the city. The architectural design of new and renovated buildings creates a new identity for the area of ​​Ilirija, which integrates into the local context and revitalizes it with new social content. The basic concept of the project is a return to the original concept of universitas, which means everything or the whole. In this concept lies the potential for a successful future of the University of Ljubljana. A universal space that allows for changeability and adaptability will not only withstand changes in educational processes, but also enable and encourage new ideas.

Keywords:University of Ljubljana, universality, long-term flexibility, educational buildings, Ilirija factory, architecture

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