
Posvetovanje in odločanje arbitražnega senata po zaključku obravnavanja (''deliberations'')
ID Nojič, Krištof (Author), ID Galič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Institut posvetovanj arbitražnega senata ima pomemben vpliv na končno odločitev v primeru. Kljub temu je v nacionalnem pravu in pravilih arbitražnih institucij skopo urejen. Avtor uvodoma predstavi teoretične poglede na posvetovanje in odločanje arbitražnega senata ter spoznanja iz prakse, ki vodijo do večje učinkovitosti postopka. Ob tem so naslovljeni tudi glavni očitki, ki jih je deležen način odločanja arbitrov. Nadalje avtor analizira pomen zaupnosti posvetovanj, ureditev le te v pravnih virih in njene negativne posledice. V ta sklop sodijo predvsem različne oblike pristranskosti arbitra, ki se pokaže tekom zaupnega postopka. Temu sledi poglavje o problematiki sprejemanja arbitražnih odločb, s strani okrnjenega senata, ko v postopek posvetovanj niso vključeni vsi njegovi člani. Ob upoštevanju teorije in pravne ureditve vprašanja, poglavje daje poudarek pregledu prakse sodišč različnih držav, ki so priljubljena arbitražna središča. V zadnjem delu magistrskega diplomskega dela avtor obravnava institut ločenih mnenj v arbitražnem postopku. Z analizo sodne prakse in pogledov iz teorije, je v poglavju predstavljeno razmerje med ločenimi mnenji, načelom zaupnosti posvetovanj in načelom kolegialnosti.

Keywords:arbitraža, posvetovanje in odločanje, arbitražni senat, načelo zaupnosti, pristranskost, okrnjen senat, načelo kolegialnosti, ločeno mnenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143510 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:135741699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Deliberations and decision-making of the arbitral tribunal
Deliberations of the arbitral tribunal play an important role in making of the final arbitral award. Yet, it is scarcely regulated either by national laws or rules of arbitral institutions. The author begins by presenting theoretical understanding of deliberations and decision-making of the arbitral tribunal, as well as practical approaches for better effectiveness of proceedings. The chapter also addresses the main criticism of arbitral decision-making. The author then analyses the importance of confidentiality of deliberations, its legal regulation and its negative consequences. The latter includes, in particular, different forms of partiality and biases of arbitrators, which often become more apparent if the process is confidential. This is followed by a chapter discussing the decision-making of the truncated tribunal i.e., when not all its members participate in deliberations. Taking into consideration positions in legal writing and regulatory approach, the chapter focuses on analysing case law of national courts in countries which parties often choose as seats of arbitration. In the final part of the master's thesis, the author briefly discusses separate opinions in arbitral proceeding. By drawing from the views in case law and academic writing, the chapter offers an analysis of the relation between separate opinions, principle of confidentiality of deliberations and principle of collegiality.

Keywords:arbitration, deliberations and decision-making, arbitral tribunal, principle of confidentiality, partiality, truncated tribunal, principle of collegiality, separate opinion

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