
Vpliv mutacij v genih pomembnih za tvorbo biofilma na filmotvornost bakterij Campylobacter jejuni
ID Osovnikar, Pina (Author), ID Klančnik, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Črevesne bakterije Campylobacter jejuni so od leta 2005 najpogostejši povzročitelj gastrointestinalnih okužb ljudi v Evropski Uniji. Glavni vir okužb z bakterijami C. jejuni pri ljudeh so uživanje nezadostno obdelanega perutninskega mesa, nepasteriziranega mleka in kontaminirane vode. Tu nastane vprašanje, kako bakterije C. jejuni, ki so poznane kot zelo občutljive na okoljske razmere, vseeno preživijo v okolju in pozvročijo nadaljne kontaminacije hrane in okužbe ljudi. Raziskave v zadnjih letih nakazujejo na sposobnost preživetja bakterij C. jejuni v biofilmih, ki jim omogočijo zaščito pred neugodnimi razmerami v okolju. Predvidevamo, da bi preprečitev pritrditve bakterij C. jejuni na površine, ki je prva stopnja tvorbe biofilma, lahko negativno vplivala na vse nadaljne stopnje tvorbe biofilma. V magistrski nalogi smo ovrednotili vpliv mutacij v genih, vključenih v različne stopnje nastanka biofilma.Vkjlučili smo: (i) šest sevov mutantov bakterij C. jejuni z enojno mutacijo v genih vključenih v različne stopnje nastanka biofilma (sevi mutantov v genih luxS, kpsM, omp50, csrA, rrpA in rrpB); ter (ii) tri seve mutantov bakterij C. jejuni z dvojno mutacijo v genih vključenih v različne stopnje nastanka biofilma (gena luxS in kpsM, gena luxS in omp50, ter gena rrpA in rrpB). Rezultati so pokazali pomembno vlogo posameznih genov, prevsem genov luxS, csrA in omp50, ki torej predstavljajo potencialni tarčni mehanizem alternativnih strategij nazdora nad patogenimi bakterijami C. jejuni.

Keywords:patogeni mikroorganizmi, Campylobacter jejuni, sevi mutantov, pritrjevanje, filmotvornost, protimikrobne učinkovine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Osovnikar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143465 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:135697411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of mutations in genes important for biofilm formation on the characteristics of Campylobacter jejuni
Intestinal bacteria Campylobacter jejuni have been the most common cause of gastrointestinal infections in humans in the European Union since 2005. The main source of C. jejuni infections in humans is the consumption of insufficiently processed poultry meat, unpasteurized milk and contaminated water. This raises the question of how C. jejuni bacteria, which are known to be very sensitive to external environmental conditions, still survive in the environment and cause further food contamination and human infections. Research in recent years indicates the ability of C. jejuni bacteria to survive in biofilms, which enable them to protect themselves from adverse environmental conditions. We hypothesize that preventing the adhesion of C. jejuni bacteria to surfaces, which is the first stage of biofilm formation, could negatively affect all subsequent stages of biofilm formation. In this master's thesis, we evaluated the impact of mutations in genes involved in different stages of biofilm formation. We included: (i) six mutants of bacteria C. jejuni with single mutations in genes involved in different stages of biofilm formation (mutants in genes luxS, kpsM, omp50, csrA, rrpA and rrpB); and (ii) three mutants of bacterial C. jejuni with a double mutation in genes involved in different stages of biofilm formation (luxS and kpsM genes, luxS and omp50 genes, and rrpA and rrpB genes). The results showed an important role of individual genes, especially, genes luxS, csrA and omp50, which therefore represent a potential target mechanism of alternative control strategies over the pathogenic bacteria C. jejuni.

Keywords:pathogenic microorganisms, Campylobacter jejuni, mutant strains, adhesion, biofilm formation, antimicrobial agents

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