
Model ocenjevanja uspešnosti sistema ERP s poudarkom na dimenziji sprejemanja sistema ERP s strani uporabnikov
ID Karpljuk, Gregor (Author), ID Hovelja, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sistemi za načrtovanje virov (ERP) so informacijski sistemi, v katere podjetja po vsem svetu vlagajo veliko sredstev. Implementacije sistemov ERP lahko podjetjem prinesejo velike koristi z avtomatizacijo in integracijo vseh ali pa velikega števila poslovnih procesov, a so hkrati izpostavljene tudi velikim tveganjem za neuspeh. Veliko novih informacijskih sistemov naleti na težave, slabosti in pomanjkljivosti pri implementaciji, a večinoma ne zaradi morebitnih tehnoloških pomanjkljivosti programskih rešitev, ki ponujajo možnosti načrtovanja virov, temveč zaradi pomanjkanja zavedanja in upoštevanja vrste organizacijskih dejavnikov. Izvajanje projekta uvedbe je poleg tega pogosto dražje kot načrtovano ali pa zamuja, strategija podjetja v zvezi z ERP pa se v mnogo primerih nenehno vrti okoli odpravljanja težav, povezanih z implementacijo, zaradi česar ni napredka pri doseganju strateških ciljev v zvezi s sistemom ERP. Skladno s tem so raznovrstne problematike v zvezi z implementacijami sistemov ERP v podjetjih pomembna tema akademskih raziskav. Čeprav številni ključni dejavniki uspeha obravnavajo vprašanja na organizacijski ravni, kot so podpora vodstva, upravljanje sprememb in komunikacija, je končni cilj, da uporabniki v celoti izkoristijo potencial funkcionalnosti sistemov ERP – prava poslovna vrednost sistema ERP se doseže z ustrezno uporabo v ciljni skupini uporabnikov. Prav to področje obravnava tudi ta naloga, saj je bila na podlagi pregleda literature zaznana vrzel na področju modelov za ocenjevanje uspešnosti sistemov ERP, ki bi smiselno in celovito vključili tudi sprejemanje sistema s strani uporabnikov. Teoretični model je bil med izvajanjem študije primera praktično preizkušen in ovrednoten v velikem slovenskem proizvodnem podjetju. Začenši z rezultati statistične analize vprašalnikov, ki temeljijo na predlaganem modelu, smo s strokovnjaki za informacijsko tehnologijo in poslovne procese ter ključnimi uporabniki sistema ERP opravili individualne intervjuje. Na podlagi ankete in individualnih intervjujev smo ustvarili konkretne predloge izboljšav in jih predstavili upravi obravnavanega podjetja. S tem, ko je uprava podjetja potrdila predloge izboljšav, pritrdila, da so rezultati vprašalnika aplikativni ter da jim skupaj z individualnimi intervjuji prinašajo dodatno razumevanje problematik, smo pridobili sedem empirično potrjenih področij, ki pomembno vplivajo na uspešnost sistema ERP v preučevanem podjetju.

Keywords:sistemi za načrtovanje virov, informacijski sistemi, ključni dejavniki uspeha, model, študija primera
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143458 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:138636035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2022
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Title:ERP evaluation model with emphasis on the dimension of user acceptance of the ERP system
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are information systems in which companies around the world are investing heavily. ERP system implementations can bring great benefits to companies by automating and integrating all or a large number of their business processes, but the systems are also subject to high risks of failure. Many new IT systems encounter implementation problems, weaknesses and limitations, but mostly not due to potential technological shortcomings of software solutions offering resource planning capabilities, but rather due to a lack of awareness and consideration of a range of organisational factors. In addition, ERP implementation projects are often more expensive than planned or delayed, and the company's ERP strategy in many cases continuously revolves around fixing implementation-related problems, resulting in no progress towards the achievement of strategic ERP objectives. Accordingly, the diverse issues related to ERP implementations in enterprises are an important topic of academic research. Although many of the critical success factors address organisational-level issues such as management support, change management and communication, the ultimate goal is for users to fully exploit the potential of ERP functionality, as the true business value of an ERP system is achieved through its appropriate use by the target user group. It is precisely this area that this thesis addresses, as a literature review identified a gap in among the models designed for evaluating the performance of ERP systems that at the same time meaningfully and comprehensively incorporate user acceptance of the ERP system. During the case study, the theoretical model was practically tested and evaluated in a large Slovenian manufacturing company. Starting with the results of the statistical analysis of the questionnaire based on the proposed model, individual interviews were conducted with IT and business process experts as well as with key users of the ERP system. Based on the questionnaire and the individual interviews, tangible suggestions for improvement were generated and presented to the management of the company. By having the company's management endorse the improvement suggestions, agree that the results of the questionnaire were applicable and that they – together with the individual interviews – provided them with a deeper understanding of the issues, we obtained seven empirically validated areas that have a significant impact on the performance of the ERP system in the studied company.

Keywords:enterprise resource planning, information systems, critical success factors, model, case study

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