
Kuharski recepti za pripravo zdravih prigrizkov v lahkem branju : magistrsko delo
ID Kukovec, Staša (Author), ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Torkar, Gregor (Comentor)

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Zdrava prehrana ima velik vpliv na otrokov telesni in duševni razvoj ter zmanjševanje tveganja za razvoj številnih bolezni in obolenj v otroštvu, mladostništvu in odraslosti. Predstavlja del vzgojno-izobraževalnega sistema, in sicer v okviru šolskih obrokov in učnih načrtov. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju otroci s PP), še posebej otroci z intelektualnimi primanjkljaji (v nadaljevanju otroci z IP), so skupina otrok, pri kateri je še posebej pomembno, da so tako sami kot njihovi starši deležni zgodnjega poučevanja s strani tima strokovnjakov na področju zdrave prehrane in gibanja, saj so zaradi interakcije različnih dejavnikov izpostavljeni tveganju za razvoj debelosti. V Sloveniji še ni kuharske knjige v lahkem branju. Otroci z IP imajo težave z branjem in razumevanjem standardno napisanih besedil, zato potrebujejo poenostavljena besedila, ki jim omogočajo lahko branje, s tem pa dostopnost do informacij in večjo samostojnost. Pri pripravi gradiv v lahkem branju je treba upoštevati značilnosti ciljne skupine, pravila za pisanje, oblikovanje in tiskanje besedil ter sodelovanje s ciljno populacijo. S prilagoditvijo kuharskih receptov v lahko branje, avdiovizualnim materialom ter s sodelovanjem z učitelji in učenci, kar je bil tudi namen magistrskega dela, se lahko učenci naučijo samostojne uporabe kuharskih receptov in varne priprave zdravih prigrizkov; hkrati s tem poteka ozaveščanje, izobraževanje in preventiva na področju zdravja in zdrave prehrane otrok, staršev, učiteljev in širše družbe. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da so učenci z IP pri pripravi enostavnih jedi po receptu v lahkem branju lahko samostojni. Samostojnost in učinkovitost pri tem poveča avdiovizualni material, ki služi tudi kot motivacijsko sredstvo. Težave pri pripravi jedi po receptu ostajajo pri ohranjanju koncentracije pri branju in organizaciji dela, kar je značilno za otroke z IP ter upoštevanju higiene v kuhinji. Pripravljena knjižica z recepti v lahkem branju bo prosto dostopna na spletu in izdana pri Zvezi Sožitje in Založbi Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

Keywords:otroci z intelektualnimi primanjkljaji, gospodinjstvo, zdrava prehrana, lahko branje, recepti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:III, 93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143389 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:134701571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Easy-to-Read Cooking Recipes for Healthy Snacks
Healthy diet has a great impact on a child's physical and mental development and on reducing the risk of developing numerous illnesses and diseases in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. It is part of the educational system, namely part of school meals and curricula. Children with special needs, especially children with intellectual disabilities, are a group in which obesity often develops due to the interaction of various factors. Therefore, it is of great importance that both children and their parents are taught early on by a team of experts on the topic of healthy eating and physical activity. In Slovenia, there is no cookbook adapted to easy-to-read yet. Children with intellectual disabilities have problems reading and understanding the texts written in the standard way. Therefore, they need simplified texts that facilitate their reading and enable them to access information and thus achieve a higher level of independence. When preparing easy-to-read materials, many things need to be taken into account: the characteristics of the target audience, rules for writing, formatting and printing the texts, and cooperation with the target population. By adapting recipes into easy-to-read audiovisual materials and cooperation with teachers and pupils, which was the goal of a master's thesis, children can learn to use the recipes independently and prepare healthy snacks safely. At the same time, children, parents, teachers and society are educated and preventive measures are taken in the field of health and heathy diet. The results of our research have shown that children with intellectual disabilities can independently prepare healthy snacks when they use an easy read cookbook.. We have also found that audio-visual materials in cookbooks increase independence and motivation in preparing a dish. On the other hand, children with intellectual disabilities have problems with duration of concentration in reading and work organization even after the research, which is typical for their condition. They also have problems with hygiene in the kitchen. Our easy-to-read cookbook will be available to the general public and will be published by Zveza Sožitje and Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana.

Keywords:children with intellectual disabilities, home economics, heathy diet, easy-to-read, cooking recipes

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