Introduction: Male sexual dysfunction is a common problem that affects sexual satisfaction. Sexual dissatisfaction is a growing public health problem, negatively influencing society and sexual behaviour among both: women and men. Sexual dissatisfaction leads to lower self-esteem, lower mutual satisfaction between partners and can cause partnership instability. Purpose: The aim of this master thesis is to determine the level of sexual function among men using a validated questionnaire, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15). Methods: The survey was conducted using the online platform 1KA. The questionnaire was shared mainly through social networks. The sample realisation was approximately 23 %. The sample included 808 individuals aged 18 years or older. The answers were statistically processed and analysed using SPSS 24.0 statistical software. The cutoff for statistical significance was set at <0.05. Due to the non-normal distribution of the data, non-parametric statistical tests were used in the analysis. Results: Most of the individuals were in a civil partnership, had no children, and had completed secondary education and/or one of the levels of higher education. Statistical characteristics affecting male sexual function and sexual satisfaction were found mainly in relation to age, ejaculatory control, number of previous sexual partners, frequency of sexual intercourse per month, presence of orgasm and ejaculation, children and marital status. However, no statistically significant differences were found for educational level and number of current sexual partners. Discussion and conclusion: The outcome of the survey suggests that many socio-demographic factors may (potentially) influence the occurrence of sexual dysfunction and male sexual satisfaction. The results in our study are consistent with research conducted in the past. However, further research focusing on male sexuality and male sexual satisfaction in relation to different socio-demographic characteristics will be needed in the future to improve our understanding.