
Procesna filozofija in sociologija
ID Šaver, Maja (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Malec, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zgodovina zahodne metafizike je bila v glavnem izrazito naklonjena substanci. Skozi zgodovino filozofije in sociologije se zato pogosto pojavlja konceptualizacija subjekta in objekta kot dveh diskretnih enot; deloma zaradi epistemoloških omejitev, deloma pa zaradi same zgodovine evropske filozofske tradicije. Substancialna ločitev na subjekt in objekt predstavljata težave za spoznavno teorijo in tako vodi v zaostrene ontološke drže, medtem ko fenomenologija ponuja srednjo pot med obema. Cilj besedila je predstaviti, kako se skozi zgodovino (moderne) misli konceptualizira proces (kot antisubstancialno razmišljanje) v nasprotju s »klasičnim« pojmovnim dvojcem subjekt-objekt oziroma kako je ta filozofski milje vplival na sociološke teoretične predpostavke o odnosu med posameznico in družbo. Ta se izrazi v metodološkem sporu, ki ga rešujeta Eliasova figuracijska sociologija in Adornova kritična teorija družbe.

Keywords:procesna filozofija, fenomenologija, sociologija, individualizem in holizem, Norbert Elias, Theodor Adorno
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143304 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2022
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Title:Process philosophy and process sociology
The history of Western metaphysics has predominantly given priority to the notion of substance. The concepts of subject and object are therefore usually regarded as two discrete entities in the history of both philosophy and sociology. This can be partially explained by inherent epistemic limitations of human reasoning and partially by the historical development of the Western philosophical tradition. The separation of subject and object into two separated substances poses problems for epistemology and thus leads to exacerbated ontological attitudes, whereas phenomenology offers a middle way between the two. This thesis presents the way process philosophy (i.e. an anti-substantialist understanding of reality) has been received in the history of philosophical reasoning and the way it stands in opposition to the more “classical” conceptual pair of the subject and object. The thesis also investigates the impact this philosophical tradition has had on sociological assumptions and theories about the relationship between individuals and the social world they inhabit. This relationship is expressed in the methodological conflicts which Elias's Figurative Sociology and Adorno's Critical Theory attempt to solve.

Keywords:process philosophy, phenomenology. sociology, individualism and holism, Norbert Elias, Theodor Adorno

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