
Ugotavljanje ter določanje virusov v naravno okuženih čebeljih družinah (Apis mellifera carnica) in razvoj okužbe v inokulirani čebelji zalegi
ID Šimenc, Laura (Author), ID Toplak, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V raziskavi smo ugotavljali in določali viruse v naravno okuženih čebeljih družinah (Apis mellifera carnica) in preučevali razvoj virusne okužbe v inokulirani čebelji zalegi. Razvili in uporabili smo nove začetne oligonukleotide, sondi TaqMan in standarda za kvantitativno metodo reverzne transkripcije in verižne reakcije s polimerazo v realnem času (RT-qPCR) za določitev in kvantifikacijo virusa Lake Sinai linije 3 (LSV3) in virusa mešičkaste zalege (SBV). Z metodo RT-qPCR smo pregledali 89 vzorcev klinično obolelih čebeljih družin, vzorčenih med aprilom 2016 in septembrom 2020, in 108 vzorcev klinično zdravih čebeljih družin, vzorčenih med oktobrom 2018 in oktobrom 2019, in ugotavljali, ali so prisotni čebelji virusi: virus akutne paralize čebel (ABPV), virus črnih matičnikov (BQCV), virus kronične paralize čebel (CBPV), virus deformiranih kril (DWV), LSV3 in SBV. Prisotnost ABPV smo ugotovili v 29,63 % klinično zdravih in 79,78 % klinično obolelih čebeljih družin, BQCV v 98,15 % klinično zdravih in 96,63 % klinično obolelih čebeljih družin. Prisotnosti CBPV nismo ugotovili v nobenem vzorcu klinično zdravih čebeljih družin, v klinično obolelih čebeljih družinah pa v 19,10 %. DWV smo ugotovili v 39,81 % zdravih in 69,66 % obolelih čebeljih družin, LSV3 pa v 67,59 % klinično zdravih in 48,31 % klinično obolelih čebeljih družin. Prisotnost SBV smo ugotovili v 35,19 % klinično zdravih in 22,47 % obolelih čebeljih družin. Statistično značilno višje število kopij smo ugotovili pri klinično obolelih čebeljih družinah, okuženih z ABPV, CBPV, DWV in SBV (p < 0,0001), medtem ko pri BQCV (p = 0,6597) in LSV3 (p = 0,0062) statistično značilnih razlik med zdravimi in obolelimi čebeljimi družinami nismo ugotovili. Iz devetih vzorcev klinično obolelih in desetih vzorcev klinično zdravih čebeljih družin, v katerih smo z določanjem nukleotidnega zaporedja po Sangerju predhodno ugotovili različne linije čebeljih virusov, smo z metodo sekvenciranja naslednje generacije (NGS) določili 22 nukleotidnih zaporedij celotnih genomov čebeljih virusov, in sicer ABPV (n = 4), BQCV (n = 3), CBPV (n = 2), DWV (n = 5), LSV (n = 4), SBV (n = 1), Apis Rhabdovirus-1 ali ARV-1 (n = 1), Bee Macula-like virus ali BeeMLV (n = 1), Hubei partiti-like virus 34 ali HPLV34 (n = 1). Nukleotidna zaporedja genomov ABPV, BQCV, DWV in SBV so prva nukleotidna zaporedja celotnih genomov teh vrst virusov, identificiranih v Sloveniji. Nukleotidna zaporedja genomov ARV-1, BeeMLV in HPLV34 smo na območju Slovenije ugotovili prvič, zato odkritje predstavlja pomemben doprinos k ugotovljeni genetski raznovrstnosti čebeljih virusov pri nas in po svetu. Z namenom raziskovanja pomnoževanja čebeljih virusov in razvoja virusnih okužb pri ličinkah smo uporabili in vitro metodo gojenja čebeljih ličink. V razvojni fazi čebelje ličinke, od prvega do petega dneva starosti, smo z inokulacijo terenskih sevov LSV3 in SBV (per os) preučevali pomnoževanje virusov in umiranje ličink. Pomnoževanja LSV3 in SBV v ličinkah nismo ugotovili, prav tako nismo ugotovili značilnih razlik v umiranju ličink glede na različne odmerke virusa. Uvedene metode imajo velik potencial za nadaljnje študije virusnih, bakterijskih in drugih okužb pri čebelah.

Keywords:molekularna biologija, virusne bolezni, diagnostika, genetika, čebele, virologija, genotipizacija, sekvenciranje celotnega genoma, metode, verižna reakcija s polimerazo, in vitro tehnike
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:VF - Veterinary Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142933 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.12.2022
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Title:Determination and identification of viruses in naturally infected honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera carnica) and development of the infection after honeybee brood virus inoculation
In this study honeybee viruses in naturally infected honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera carnica) were determined and identified. Furthermore, the development of the viral infection after honeybee brood virus inoculation was studied. Two new sets of primers, TaqMan probes and standards for quantitative method of real-time reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) for detection and quantification of Lake Sinai virus lineage 3 (LSV3) and sacbrood bee virus (SBV) were developed and implemented. 89 samples of clinically affected honeybees sampled from April 2016 to September 2020 and 108 samples of clinically healthy honeybee colonies sampled over one year period from October 2018 to October 2019, were examined with RT-qPCR methods, for presence of six honeybee viruses: acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), deformed wing virus (DWV), LSV3 and SBV. ABPV was detected in 29,63 % of clinically healthy and 79,78 % of clinically affected honeybee colonies, BQCV was detected in 98,15 % of clinically healthy and 96,63 % of clinically affected honeybee colonies. CBPV was not detected in any sample of clinically healthy but was detected in 19,10 % of clinically affected honeybee samples. DWV was detected in 39,81 % of healthy and 69,66 % of affected honeybee colonies, LSV3 was detected in 67,59 % of healthy and 48,31 % of affected honeybee colonies. SBV was detected in 35,19 % of healthy and in 22,47 % of affected honeybee colonies. There were statistically significantly higher viral copy numbers detected in clinically affected honeybee colonies infected with ABPV, CBPV, DWV in SBV (p < 0,0001), but with BQCV (p= 0,6597) and LSV3 (p=0,0062) there were no statistically significant differences detected in viral copy numbers between healthy and affected honeybee colonies. From nine samples of clinically affected and ten samples of healthy honeybee colonies in which different strains of honeybee viruses were detected by Sanger sequencing, 22 nucleotide sequences of complete genomes of honeybee viruses were determined with next generation sequencing (NGS) method (ABPV n=4, BQCV n=3, CBPV n=2, DWV n=5, LSV n=3, SBV n=1, Apis Rhabdovirus-1 (ARV-1) n=1, Bee Macula-like virus (BeeMLV) n=1, Hubei partiti-like virus 34 (HPLV34) n=1). Nucleotide sequences of complete genomes of ABPV, BQCV, DWV and SBV are first nucleotide sequences of complete genomes of this viral species determined in Slovenia. ARV-1, BeeMLV and HPLV34 were detected in Slovenia for the first time and they represent important contribution to genetic diversity of honeybee viruses identified in Slovenia and over the world. With the goal to research the replication of honeybee viruses and development of viral infections, we implemented the method of in vitro rearing of honeybee larvae. In the developing phase of honeybee larva from day one to day five, with inoculation of field strains of LSV3 and SBV per os, viral replication and dying of larvae were studied. The replication of LSV3 and SBV in the larvae was not determined and significant differences in dying of larvae depending on different viral doses were not detected. The implemented methods have great potential for further studies of viral, bacterial and other infections on the developing stages of honeybees.

Keywords:molecular biology, virus diseases, diagnosis, genetics, bees, virology, genotyping, whole genome sequencing, methods, polymerase chain reaction, in vitro techniques

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