
Kontrola kakovosti omrežne programske opreme s pomočjo statistične analize
ID Nagelj, Žiga (Author), ID Košir, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Da tehnološka podjetja ostanejo konkurenčna svojim strankam, ponujajo novo in stabilno programsko opremo, kar zagotavljajo s kontrolo kakovosti. Zaradi hitrega razvoja se kljub robustnemu testiranju pojavljajo napake, ki jih je mogoče zaznati s pomočjo statistične analize. Za boljše razumevanje problematike v uvodu predstavimo obravnavano omrežno programsko opremo ter jasno definiramo cilje statističnega testiranja. Hipoteze temeljijo na količini generiranih alarmov (število ponovnih zagonov) ob določeni verziji programske opreme. Zaradi števne narave alarmov se delo osredotoča na metode modeliranja števnih podatkov. V ospredju je bila uporaba posplošenih linearnih modelov z dodatkom modeliranja povečanega števila ničel. Delo smo zaključili z empirično analizo števila ponovnih zagonov, kjer smo opravili analizo posameznih modelov ter primerjali njihovo kakovost. Izmed vseh modelov se je najbolje prilegal negativno binomski model, razširitve modeliranja presežka ničel v tem primeru niso prinesle večjih izboljšav. Model je pokazal, da so za različne verzije programske opreme razlike med številom ponovnih zagonov statistično značilne.

Keywords:kontrola kakovosti, telekomunikacijska omrežja, statistično testiranje, programska oprema, Poissonov model, ničelno-nasičen model, model z oviro
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142922 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:132324099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Quality control of network software using statistical analysis
For technological companies to stay competitive, they offer their customers new and stable software, which they ensure with quality control. Due to rapid development, despite robust testing, errors occur, errors that can be detected through statistical testing. To better understand the problem, the introduction contains a presentation of the discussed network software and clearly defined goals for statistical testing. Hypotheses are based on the number of alarms (count of reboots) generated at a given software version. Due to the count-like nature of alarms, the work focuses on methods of modeling count data. The focus was on the use of generalised linear models with the addition of modeling excessive zeroes. We concluded the work with an empirical analysis based on the number of restarts, where we performed an evaluation of individual models and compared their quality. Among all the models, the negative binomial model fitted best, in this case, the additional modeling excess of zeros did not yield major improvements. The model showed that for different software versions, the differences between the number of reboots were statistically significant.

Keywords:quality control, telecommunications networks, statistical testing, software, Poisson model, zero inflated model, hurdle model

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