
Razumevanje in zaznavanje resnosti spletnega nasilja s perspektive osnovnošolcev : magistrsko delo
ID Okretič, Lea (Author), ID Pečjak, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Velika dostopnost informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije predstavlja tveganje za sodobnejše oblike medvrstniškega nasilja, kot je spletno nasilje. Kljub relativno dobri raziskanosti področja primanjkuje sistematičnih raziskav, ki bi se usmerjale na osnovnošolce. Namen magistrskega dela je bil preučiti razumevanje koncepta spletnega nasilja in zaznavanje njegove resnosti z vidika učencev zadnjega triletja osnovne šole. Zanimalo nas je, ali bodo učenci pravilno prepoznali situacije spletnega nasilja, kot kako resne jih bodo zaznavali ter kakšni bi bili njihovi čustveni in vedenjski odzivi, če bi se znašli v vlogi tistega, ki situacijo doživlja. Preverili smo tudi, kako pogosto se jim različne spletne situacije dogajajo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 412 učencev 7., 8. in 9. razreda (59 % deklet). Raziskava ima kvantitativni in kvalitativni del. Učenci so najprej izpolnili spletni vprašalnik, ki vključuje 10 izmišljenih situacij spletnega nasilja in vprašanja, vezana na zaznavanje in doživljanje teh situacij. Sledila je izvedba fokusnih skupin, ločeno z nekaj učenci iz vsakega razreda. Rezultati so pokazali, da učenci večinoma pravilno prepoznavajo, katere situacije so primeri spletnega nasilja, pri čemer so okvirno upoštevali kriterije tradicionalne opredelitve medvrstniškega nasilja in perspektivo osebe, ki situacijo doživlja. Pomembna razlika med spoloma v pogostosti doživljanja spletnega nasilja se je pokazala pri eni obliki – spletni prevari, ki jo pogosteje doživijo dekleta. Učenci spletno nasilje zaznavajo kot resen pojav, kot najbolj resno obliko spletnega nasilja so ocenili videoposnetek fizičnega napada. Dekleta so vse situacije zaznala kot bolj resne v primerjavi s fanti in poročala o večji prizadetosti ob doživljanju situacij. Fantje najpogosteje poročajo, da po spletnem nasilju ne bi občutili ničesar ali bi občutili jezo, dekleta pa poročajo o doživljanju več negativnih čustev. Učenci so najpogosteje poročali o uporabi strategij iskanja podpore, asertivnih in tehničnih strategij, pri čemer obstaja nekaj pomembnih razlik glede na spol in starost učencev. Ugotovitve so pomembne za ozaveščanje javnosti o resnosti spletnega nasilja in njegovih posledicah ter lahko služijo kot podlaga za oblikovanje ciljno usmerjenih intervencijskih programov.

Keywords:spletno nasilje, osnovnošolci, zaznana resnost, čustveni odzivi, strategije spoprijemanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Okretič]
Number of pages:75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142900 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:139915011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Understanding and perceived seriousness of cyberbullying from adolescent's perspective
The wide availability of information and communication technology poses a risk for modern forms of peer bullying, such as cyberbullying. Despite a big number of available articles in this field, there is a lack of systematic research aimed at elementary school students. The purpose of this master's thesis was to explore the understanding of concept of cyberbullying and the perception of its seriousness from adolescent’s perspective. We were interested in whether students would correctly recognize situations of cyberbullying, how serious they would perceive them to be, and what would their emotional and behavioral responses be if they found themselves experiencing the situation. We also checked how often different online situations happen to them. 412 students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of primary school (59 % girls) participated in the research. The research had a quantitative and a qualitative part. The students first completed an online questionnaire, which includes 10 fictional situations of cyberbullying and questions related to the perception and experience of the situations. This was followed by a separate implementation of focus groups with a few students from each grade. The results showed that most of the students correctly identified which situations are examples of cyberbullying, taking into account the criteria of the traditional definition of bullying and the perspective of the person experiencing the situation. A significant difference between the sexes in the frequency of experiencing cyberbullying was found at online trickery, which is more often experienced by girls. Students perceived cyberbullying as a serious phenomenon and they rated a video of a physical attack as the most serious form. Girls perceived all situations as more serious compared to boys and report more distress when experiencing the situations. While boys most often reported feeling nothing or feeling angry after cyberbullying, girls reported experiencing more negative emotions. Students most frequently reported using support-seeking, assertive and technical strategies, with some significant differences between genders and student age. The findings are important for raising public awareness of the seriousness of cyberbullying and its consequences, and can serve as a basis for the design of target-oriented intervention programs.

Keywords:cyberbullying, primary school students, perceived seriousness, emotional responses, coping strategies

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