
Psihofiziološki korelati zgodnje psihološke obravnave pacientov po srčnem infarktu : magistrsko delo
ID Megušar, Anja (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pacienti po miokardnem infarktu pogosto dlje časa ostanejo brez ustrezne zdravstvene pomoči in se znajdejo v stiski, brez podpore in pravih informacij o njihovem zdravstvenem stanju. Z raziskavo smo poskušali to vrzel premostiti in vpeljati program zgodnje rehabilitacije, ki se osredotoča na psihično stisko in pogosto prisotnost anksioznosti, stresa ter depresije pri tej populaciji. Skušali smo tudi fiziološko okrepiti njihovo srce in zdravje z vajami za variabilnost srčnega utripa in preprečiti kasnejše fiziološke zaplete, ki so posledica miokardnega infarkta. V 8-tedenskem programu je sodelovalo 7 pacientov po miokardnem infarktu (5 moških in 2 ženski), ki so predstavljali eksperimentalno skupino. Program je zajemal sedem psiho edukacijskih sklopov iz različnih psiholoških in fizioloških tematik, vaje sproščanja ter redne treninge globokega in počasnega trebušnega dihanja s frekvenco 6 vdihov na minuto, za krepljenje variabilnosti srčnega utripa. Njihovo stanje smo ponovno ocenili po 8 tednih ter primerjali s kontrolno skupino, ki ni bila deležna vsebin programa. Uporabili smo lestvico zaznanega stresa, kratek vprašalnik simptomov ter prenosno EKG napravo Savvy. Rezultati so pokazali večjo variabilnost srčnega utripa, nižji stres ter nižje izraženo simptomatiko anksioznosti in depresije po zaključenem programu zgodnje rehabilitacije pri pacientih eksperimentalne skupine, vendar pa razlike niso bile statistično značilne, zato nobene od hipotez nismo uspeli potrditi. Program bi bilo potrebno izvesti na večjem vzorcu, raziskava pa lahko služi kot dobra usmeritev za nadaljnje izboljšave in kasnejšo implementacijo v obstoječ zdravstveni sistem, ki bi združeval fiziološko in psihološko zdravje.

Keywords:miokardni infarkt, psihoedukacija, variabilnost srčnega utripa, psihofiziologija, rehabilitacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Megušar]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142898 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:145517571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Psychophysiological correlation of early psychological examination for patients after myocardial infarction
Patients are often left without adequate medical care for longer periods of time, after a myocardial infarction, and find themselves in a distressed state, without support and without the right information about their condition. Our research sought to bridge this gap and introduce an early rehabilitation programme that focuses on the psychological distress and the frequent presence of anxiety, stress and depression in this population, as well as physiologically training for their heart and body through heart rate variability trainings. The 8-week programme included 7 post-myocardial infarction patients (5 men and 2 women), who represented the experimental group. The programme consisted of seven psychoeducational sessions on different psychological and physiological topics, relaxation exercises, and regular practice of deep and slow abdominal breathing at a rate of 6 breaths per minute to increase heart rate variability. Their condition was reassessed after 8 weeks and compared with a control group that did not participate in the programme. We used the Perceived Stress Scale, a Brief symptoms inventory and a portable ECG device, Savvy. The results showed a better heart rate variability, lower stress and lower anxiety and depression symptomatology in patients who participated in the programme, but the differences were not statistically significant, so we were unable to confirm any of the hypotheses. The programme would need to be carried out on a larger sample, and this research can serve as a good guideline for further improvements and subsequent implementation of the programme in an existing health care system that combines the physiological and the psychological aspect of health.

Keywords:myocardial infarction, heart rate variability, psychoeducation, psychophysiology, rehabilitation

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