
Raziskava oglaševalskih navedb izdelkov naravne kozmetike na slovenskem trgu
ID Švagelj, Meta (Author), ID Kočevar Glavač, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Medtem ko trg kozmetične industrije narašča, naraščata tudi zavest potrošnika ter pozornost, ki jo namenimo sestavinam, formulacijam kozmetičnih izdelkov in njihovemu vplivu na okolje in živali. Področje naravne kozmetike zakonodajno ni posebej regulirano, sodi namreč v okvir Uredbe 1223/2009 o kozmetičnih izdelkih, oz. ga urejajo certifikacijski organi, hkrati pa se na trgu pojavljajo kozmetični izdelki, ki ustrezajo definiciji zelenega zavajanja. To ustvarja zmedo in povprečnemu potrošniku, ki nima znanja za oceno verodostojnosti trditev na izdelku, otežuje izbiro. V nalogi smo opisali in primerjali najbolj pogoste certifikate naravne kozmetike v Sloveniji. Predstavili smo problem definiranja naravne kozmetike ter smernice za navajanje trditev na kozmetičnih izdelkih. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil pregledati čim več kozmetičnih izdelkov na slovenskem trgu, ki s svojo predstavitvijo namigujejo na naravno, vendar niso certificirani kot naravna kozmetika, in ugotoviti, ali se trditve, ki se nahajajo na izdelkih, skladajo z vsebino le-teh, ter v kolikšni in kakšni meri se proizvajalci poslužujejo zelenega zavajanja. Ob pregledu 374 izdelkov v slovenskih trgovinah in na spletnih straneh smo se držali smernic o trditvah na kozmetičnih izdelkih (Technical document on cosmetic claims) ter Uredbe Komisije (EU) št. 655/2013, ki govori o skupnih merilih za utemeljevanje trditev, ki se uporabljajo v zvezi s kozmetičnimi izdelki. Z namenom širšega ovrednotenja problematike naravne kozmetike smo poleg trditev na ovojnini kozmetičnega izdelka beležili tudi uradne in neuradne logotipe, barve, vzorce in vrsto ovojnine. Ugotovili smo, da se zavajanje potrošnikov k nakupu necertificiranih naravnih kozmetičnih izdelkov izvaja v 229 primerih (62,2 %), in sicer v obliki eksplicitnih (besedilne trditve in logotipi) in implicitnih navedb (barve, podobe). To pomeni, da ti izdelki vsebujejo tudi sestavine, ki v kozmetiko s konceptom naravnega ne spadajo. V teh primerih proizvajalci izkoriščajo nejasnost, zmedo in neenotnost v definicijah, ki so prisotne na področju naravne in ekološke kozmetike. Na splošno so rezultati pokazali tudi na neskladnost s Uredbo (ES) št. 1223/2009 o kozmetičnih izdelkih in Uredbo Komisije (EU) št. 655/2013, saj nekatere trditve vsebujejo neresnične in prepovedane izjave.

Keywords:ekološko, naravno, potrošnik, sestavine, zeleno zavajanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142802 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Research on advertising claims of natural cosmetics products on the Slovenian market
As cosmetic market is growing, so is consumer awareness and the attention we pay to ingredients, natural formulations and their effect on environment and animal welfare. The field of natural cosmetics is not regulated by law, but it is regulated by certification institutions; meanwhile, products that meet the definition of greenwashing are appearing on the market. This is creating confusion and is making the choice of the best product more difficult for the average consumer, who does not have the knowledge necessary to evaluate products properly. In this thesis, we describe and compare the most common certificates of natural cosmetics in Slovenia. We present the issue of defining natural and organic cosmetics and guidelines for cosmetic product claims. The aim was to review as many cosmetic products on the Slovenian market that present as natural without appropriate certificates and to determine whether the claims on the products are consistent with their content and to what extent do manufacturers use greenwashing. When reviewing 374 cosmetics products in Slovenian stores and on websites, we adhered to the Technical document on cosmetic claims and Commission Regulation (EU) No 655/2013 laying down common criteria for the justification of claims used in relation to cosmetic products. In order to broadly evaluate the issue of natural cosmetics, we also recorded official and unofficial logos, colors, patterns and type of packaging material. We came to the conclusion that there are 229 practices (62,2 %) to mislead consumers to buy uncertified natural cosmetics, either in the form of implicit (textual claims and logos) or explicit statements (colors, images), despite the fact that the products also contain ingredients that do not belong to the concept of the natural. These manufacturers of the reviewed products take advantage of the ambiguity, confusion and inconsistency in the legislation that is applied in the field of natural and organic cosmetics, and thus discourage the consumer from buying competing products and/or evoke associations with the natural to encourage the consumer to buy their products. Overall, the results also showed non-compliance with Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products and Commission Regulation (EU) no. 655/2013. Some claims also contain false and prohibited statements.

Keywords:consumer, greenwashing, ingredients, natural, organic

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