
Vpeljava poigritve v predstavitev samozadostne energetske skupnosti
ID Leskovšek, Matej (Author), ID Zajc, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Informiranje državljanov o temah zelenega prehoda je področje, ki se mora razvijati in spreminjati z napredkom tehnologije. Zelena energija in prehod družbe na bolj ekološko ozaveščeno delovanje na državni in individualni ravni sta v preteklih letih v ospredju pogovorov znotraj Evropske unije in svetovne politike. Zeleni prehod vključuje tudi energetske skupnosti, ki delujejo usklajeno in zagotavljajo energetsko samozadostnost. Narava energetskih skupnosti zahteva sodelovanje državljanov, ki so v takšnih okoljih glavni akterji sprememb, zato je njihovo izobraževanje ključno za uspešno delovanje družbe prihodnosti. V tem delu predlagamo uporabo poigritve in javnih zaslonov za informiranje državljanov o izbranih temah energetskih skupnosti. Za ta namen smo razvili prototip interaktivne simulacije, ki s pomočjo poigritve uporabnikom na zabaven način približa samozadostne energetske skupnosti. Vsebina interaktivne simulacije je dostopna na javnem zaslonu, uporabniki pa lahko s pomočjo mobilnega vmesnika neposredno vplivajo nanjo. Tako lahko aktivno spremljajo dogajanje in vplive svojih odločitev ter se podrobneje spoznajo s predstavljeno tematiko skupaj z ostalimi uporabniki v javnem prostoru. Rezultati uporabniških testiranj so potrdili učinkovitost informiranja o energetskih skupnostih. Ugotovili smo, da je način interakcije z mobilnim telefonom in javnimi portali uporabnikom razumljiv. Večina uporabnikov je bila mnenja, da bi se interaktivni simulaciji pridružili večkrat. Medsebojna interakcija uporabnikov med testiranji in diskusija po testiranjih nam je potrdila, da interaktivna simulacija spodbudi nadaljnjo razpravo o predstavljeni tematiki. Predstavljen postopek vpeljave poigritve ni omejen le na samooskrbne energetske skupnosti. Z nadaljnjim delom na področju interaktivnih simulacij lahko predstavljen proces uporabimo tudi na drugih področjih. Interaktivne simulacije lahko predstavljajo naslednji korak k informiranju državljanov o pomembnih tematikah.

Keywords:interaktivna simulacija, poigritev, zeleni prehod, energetske skupnosti, sončna energija
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142731 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:131585539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2022
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Title:Introduction of gamification in the demonstration of a self-sustainable energy community
Informing citizens about green transition topics is an area that must evolve and change as technology advances. Green energy and society's transition to a more ecologically aware operation at the state and individual level have been at the forefront of discussions within the European Union and world politics. Green transition also includes energy communities that work in harmony and ensure energy self-sufficiency. The nature of energy communities requires the participation of citizens who are the main agents of change in such environments, so their education is key to the successful functioning of the society of the future. In this work, we propose the use of gamification and public displays to inform citizens about selected topics of energy communities. For this purpose, we have developed a prototype of an interactive simulation that uses gamification to inform users about self-sufficient energy communities in a more interesting way. The content of the interactive simulation is accessible on a public display, and users can directly influence it using the mobile interface. In this way, they can actively monitor the events and the effects of their decisions and get to know the presented topic in more detail together with other users in the public place. The results of user testing confirmed the effectiveness of this approach to informing users about energy communities. We found that the method of interaction with the mobile phone and public portals is understandable to users. Most users were of the opinion that they would join the interactive simulation more than once. The mutual interaction of users during testing and the continuation of conversations after, confirmed to us that the interactive simulation encourages further discussion about the presented topic. The presented gamification implementation process is not only limited to a self-sufficient energy community. With further work on the field of interactive simulations the presented process can be transferred to other areas as well. Interactive simulations can represent the next step towards informing citizens about important topics.

Keywords:interactive simulation, gamification, green transition, energy community, solar energy

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