
Insekticidni potencial vodnih ekstraktov gob, nabranih v Sloveniji
ID Telban Stoiljković, Tina (Author), ID Skočaj, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavšič, Miha (Comentor)

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Glive so zelo raznolika in razširjena skupina organizmov, prisotna skoraj v vseh ekoloških nišah. Igrajo pomembno vlogo pri delovanju ekosistemov, zanimive pa so tudi zaradi širokega nabora biotehnološko pomembnih encimov ter drugih snovi. Nekatere od teh snovi imajo potencialno insekticidno aktivnost in bi zato lahko bile uporabne za razvoj inovativnih biopesticidov. V magistrski nalogi smo med surovimi ekstrakti gob iskali take, ki delujejo citotoksično na celično linijo Sf9. Med temi ekstrakti smo nato določili take, katerih citolitična aktivnost bi lahko bila posledica citolitičnih proteinov, katerih receptor je membranski lipid. S citotoksičnim testom MTT smo prvi dokazali insekticidni potencial 18 gob, kar do sedaj še ni bilo opisano v literaturi. Podatke citotoksičnosti, ki smo jih pridobili smo nato primerjali s predhodno narejenimi analizami hemolitične aktivnosti in vezave proteinskih komponent istih gobjih ekstraktov na celokupne lipide iz celic Sf9. Iz vseh teh rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da gobe Megacollybia platyphylla, Bjerkandera adusta in Amanita excelsa zelo verjetno vsebujejo insekticidne proteine, katerih aktivnost je posledica njihove vezave na specifični lipidni receptor v membranah celic Sf9 ter tvorbe pore v teh membranah. Presenetljivo smo tudi dokazali, da je večina gob z insekticidnim potencialom nemikoriznih, zato predlagamo, da se je pri iskanju tovrstnih molekul bolje osredotočiti na saprofitske in parazitske glive oz gobe.

Keywords:glive, gobe, proteini, membrane, metaboliti, citotoksičnost, insekticidnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Telban Stoiljković ]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142611 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:130539779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Insecticidal potential of aqueous extracts of mushrooms harvested in Slovenia
Fungi are an extremely diverse and widespread group of organisms, present in almost all ecological niches. They play an important role in the functioning of ecosystems and are also interesting because of the wide range of natural metabolites they produce. Many of these metabolites have potential insecticidal activity and could therefore be useful for the development of innovative biopesticides. We searched for crude mushroom extracts that exert a cytotoxic effect on the Sf9 cell line. Specifically, we were interested in those extracts that could potenitally harbour cytolytic proteins recognizing a membrane lipid receptor, and cosequentially leading to pore formation and cell death. Using the MTT cytotoxic test, we determined the insecticidal activity of various raw and heat-treated mushroom extracts against the insect cell line Sf9 and were the first to demonstrate the insecticidal potential of 18 mushroom species. We compared our results with previously obtained data on hemolytic activity and Sf9 total membrane lipid sedimination assay. Among the cytotoxic mushrooms, Megacollybia platyphylla, Bjerkandera adusta and Amanita excelsa proved to have the highest potential for the development of lipid-binding biopesticides. We have also demonstrated that the majority of insecticidal molecules are most probably produced by non-mycorrhizal fungi; therefore we propose that further research on new bioinsecticides should be focused on saprophytic and parasitic fungi.

Keywords:fungi, mushrooms, proteins, membranes, metabolites, cytotoxicity, insecticidal activity

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