
Kultura ustanove in profesionalni razvoj vzgojitelja
ID Jerovšek, Gaja (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Različni raziskovalci so se v zadnjih desetletjih veliko ukvarjali s področjem organizacijske klime in kulture v šolah. Čeprav pojma šolska kultura in klima stopata v ospredje v zadnjih desetletjih, pa sta se pojavila že v prvi polovici 20. stoletja. Nekateri avtorji enačijo pojma, medtem ko ju drugi jasno ločijo. Nekateri avtorji govorijo le o klimi ali le o kulturi, ne da bi se sploh ukvarjali z določanjem razlik. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na organizacijsko kulturo in profesionalni razvoj vzgojitelja. V teoretičnem delu sta predstavljena oba pojma, poleg pa tudi organizacijska klima in razlike med klimo in kulturo. Poseben poudarek je namenjen kulturi ustanove in značilnostim institucionalne kulture. Omenjena sta vpliv vodstva na oblikovanje kulture ustanove in profesionalni razvoj strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu. V empirični raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način vplivata delovna doba in izkušnje na strokovno usposobljenost anketirancev, katera vrsta institucionalne kulture po presoji anketirancev prevladuje v vrtcih, kako vzgojitelji in vzgojitelji – pomočniki vzgojitelja opredeljujejo možnosti za lasten profesionalni razvoj in na kakšen način vodstvo vpliva na oblikovanje kulture ustanove. V raziskavo so bili vključeni strokovni delavci različnih vrtcev z različno delovno dobo v vrtcu. Raziskava je med drugim pokazala, da so v vrtcih še vedno prisotni elementi tradicionalno naravnane kulture, a kljub vsemu je tudi kultura dobre skupnosti v veliki meri značilna za vrtčevsko okolje. Ugotavljali smo, ali pri posameznih postavkah obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike med različnimi skupinami anketirancev glede na njihovo delovno dobo. Ena izmed ugotovitev je, da po presoji večine anketirancev z delovno dobo 19–30 let različne izkušnje zelo vplivajo na strokovno usposobljenost, medtem ko anketiranci z 0–3 let delovne dobe v večini ocenjujejo, da izkušnje vplivajo na strokovno usposobljenost vzgojitelja/vzgojitelja – pomočnika vzgojitelja. Rezultati raziskave predstavljajo prispevek na strokovnem področju, saj ugotavljamo, da je večina raziskav osredotočenih na šolsko področje in ne toliko na vrtčevsko.

Keywords:kultura ustanove
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142593 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:129053187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Institution culture and professional development of preschool teacher
In recent decades, various researchers have dealt a lot with the field of organizational climate and culture in schools. Although the concepts of school culture and climate have come to the fore in recent decades, they appeared already in the first half of the 20th century. Some authors equate the concepts, while others clearly separate them. Some authors talk only about climate or only about culture, without even bothering to define the differences. In the master's thesis, we focused on organizational culture and professional development of preschool teacher. In the theoretical part, both concepts are presented, as well as the organizational climate and the differences between climate and culture. Special emphasis is focused on the institution culture and the institutional culture characteristics. The management influence on the institution culture formation and the professional development of nursery school practitioners are mentioned. In the empirical research, we wanted to determine to what extent and in what way the professional competence of the respondents is influenced by years of service and experience, which type of institutional culture prevails in nursery school according to the respondents, how preschool teachers and preschool teachers – assistant preschool teachers define the possibilities for their own professional development, and in what way the management influences the institution culture formation. Practitioners from different nursery schools with different years of service in nursery school were included in the research. Among other things, the research has shown that elements of traditionally oriented culture are still present in nursery schools, but nevertheless it is also the good community culture that largely characterizes the nursery school environment. At individual items, we have determined whether there were statistically significant differences between different groups of respondents according to their years of service. One of the findings is that, according to the majority of respondents with 19−30 years of service, various experiences have a great influence on professional competence, while respondents with 0−3 years of service in the majority believe that experience influences the professional competence of preschool teacher/preschool teacher − assistant preschool teacher. The results of the research represent a contribution in the professional field, as we note that most research is focused on the school field rather than the nursery school field.

Keywords:institution culture

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