
Pomen in ustvarjanje vizije v vrtcu: stališča vzgojiteljev in pogled vodstva
ID Štebe, Špela (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7453/ This link opens in a new window

Vsaka ustanova ima, upoštevajoč kurikulum, ki je osnova za strokovno delovanje v vrtcih, svoje poslanstvo ter cilje, h katerim stremi. V sodobnem svetu je jasna vizija ena od ključnih sestavin uspešnih organizacij. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opredelili profesionalni razvoj, modele profesionalnega razvoja ter njihove prednosti oziroma omejitve. Opisali smo pojem učeče se organizacije, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na le-to ter klimo in kulturo organizacije in njuno primerjavo. Opredelili smo tudi pojem vizija, njen pomen in ustvarjanje le-te ter podali pregled dokumentov o vrtcu na temo vizije. V empiričnem delu je bila na vzorcu 140 vzgojiteljev opravljena kvantitativna raziskava, s petimi ravnateljicami pa smo opravili kvalitativno raziskavo. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali, kolikšen pomen vzgojitelji in ravnateljice pripisujejo profesionalnemu razvoju, učeči se organizaciji in kulturi vrtca. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali se vzgojiteljeva presoja profesionalnega razvoja, učeče se organizacije in organizacijske kulture razlikuje glede na delovno dobo in naziv vzgojitelja. Predstavili smo, kako vzgojitelji in ravnateljice pojmujejo vizijo vrtca in kolikšen pomen ji pripisujejo. Zanimala nas je tudi prisotnost vizije v vrtcu in njeno oblikovanje. Nazadnje smo še ugotavljali vključenost zaposlenih pri postavljanju ciljev ter pri uresničevanju nalog vrtca. Za namene raziskave smo oblikovali instrumentarij za zbiranje podatkov. Ugotovili smo, da vzgojitelji pripisujejo profesionalnemu razvoju zelo velik pomen, še večji pomen pa mu v povprečju pripisujejo tisti z univerzitetno izobrazbo. Največ vzgojiteljev, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, je lastnosti učeče se organizacije ocenilo kot srednje do precej prisotne v vrtcih, kjer so zaposleni. V skupinah ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Največjo razpršenost odgovorov smo opazili pri skupni viziji, ponekod je precej oz. zelo prisotna (57 %), drugje pa le delno oziroma je sploh ni (43 %). Kar 95 % vprašanih se strinja oz. zelo strinja, da je pomembno, da tudi starši, ki vpisujejo otroke v vrtec, poznajo vizijo in poslanstvo vrtca. V raziskavi zasledimo, da je 24 % anketiranih aktivno sodelovalo pri nastajanju vizije vrtca. Zelo spodbudno je, da bi kar 81 % vprašanih pri tem želelo sodelovati. Opazili smo statistično pomembne razlike med vizijo in velikostjo ter tipom vrtca. Delež tistih, ki trdijo, da imajo vizijo, je večji v javnih ter večjih vrtcih, v primerjavi z zasebnimi in manjšimi vrtci. Pokazalo se je, da glede na povprečno vrednost pomena profesionalnega razvoja glede na vizijo vrtca, ni statistično pomembnih razlik. Raziskava je med drugim pokazala, da le 28 % vzgojiteljev ocenjuje, da imajo z lastnimi predlogi in angažiranjem na oblikovanje vrtca veliko oziroma zelo veliko vpliva. Statistično pomembnih razlik ni bilo ugotovljenih. Vse intervjuvane ravnateljice so se strinjale, da je aktivno sodelovanje zaposlenih pri oblikovanju vizije izrednega pomena, predvsem zaradi vpetosti, lastne participacije in posledično zaradi kakovosti njenega uresničevanja.Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov lahko povzamemo, da je oblikovanje vizije v vrtcih manj raziskana tema. V okolju, kjer imajo zaposleni možnost profesionalnega razvoja in je prostor za strateško načrtovanje, bi prišli do bolj poglobljenih skupnih vizij, ki bi zaposlene ob kvalitetnem delu usmerjale naprej.

Keywords:Vzgojitelj predšolskih otrok
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142592 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:129048323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Importance and creation of a vision in kindergarten: views of preschool teachers and management
Every institution has its mission and goals, taking into account the curriculum, which is the foundation for the expert basis in kindergartens. In the modern world, a clear vision is one of the key components of a successful organization. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, we define professional development, models of professional development, and their advantages as well as limitations. We describe the concept of a learning organization and the factors that influence it, including the climate, the culture, and their comparison. We also define the concept of vision, its meaning, and its creation along with the review of the kindergarten documentation on the topic of vision. In the empirical part, a quantitative survey was conducted on a sample of 140 preschool teachers, and a qualitative survey was conducted with five principals. Through the survey, we determined the importance preschool teachers and principals attribute to the professional development, the learning organization, and the culture of the kindergarten. We were also interested in whether the preschool teacher’s assessment of professional development, learning organization, and organizational culture differ according to the period of employment and the title of the preschool teacher. We present how preschool teachers and principals perceive the kindergarten vision and how much importance they attribute to it. We were interested in the presence of the vision in the kindergarten together with the process of its definition. Lastly, we determined the involvement of employees in setting goals and realizing kindergarten tasks. For the purpose of the survey, we designed data collection tools. We found that preschool teachers attribute great importance to professional development; moreover, even greater importance is attributed to it on average by those with a university degree. Most of the preschool teachers participating in the survey rated the characteristics of the learning organization as medium present to quite present in the kindergartens where they are employed. There were no statistically significant differences in the groups. The greatest dispersion of answers was observed in the common vision, in some places, it is quite or very present (57 %), and in others only partially or not at all (43 %). As many as 95 % of respondents agree or strongly agree, that it is important that parents who enrol their children in kindergarten know the vision and mission of the kindergarten. The survey shows that 24 % of respondents actively participated in the process of defining the kindergarten vision. It is very encouraging that as many as 81 % of respondents would like to take part in it. We observed statistically significant differences between the vision of the kindergarten and the size and type of kindergarten. The proportion of those who claim to have a vision is higher in public and larger kindergartens in comparison to private and smaller kindergartens. It has been recognised that there are no statistically significant differences in the average value of the importance of professional development in relation to the vision of the kindergarten.The survey also showed that only 28 % of preschool teachers estimate that their proposals and engagement have a strong or major influence on kindergarten vision defining. No statistically significant differences were found. All interviewed principals agreed that the active participation of employees in defining the vision is extremely important, especially because of their involvement, participation, and consequently, the quality of its implementation. Based on the obtained results, we can recapitulate that the process of vision defining in kindergartens is an under-researched topic. An environment where employees have the opportunity for professional development and where there is room for strategic planning would encourage more in-depth common visions, which would motivate employees’ development through quality work.

Keywords:Preschool teacher

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