
Otroška slikanica in digitalna ilustracija
ID Stražar, Tanja (Author), ID Selan, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo, ki ga predstavljam, se osredotoča na otroško slikanico, odnos med literarnim in likovnim delom slikanice, otrokov bralni razvoj od predbralne dobe do adolescence in ilustracijo, njeno zgodovino ter postopek ilustriranja z uporabo digitalnih orodij. Na začetku bo govora o otroški slikanici, kaj jo definira in kako jo delimo glede na odnos slike, besedila in glede na njeno funkcijo. Pri otroški slikanici je pomemben tudi sam bralni razvoj otroka, zato ga obravnavam v naslednjem poglavju. Otroke pri različnih starostih zanima drugačna literatura in potreben je drugačen pristop. Pri najmlajših je treba upoštevati tudi dejstvo, da besedila ne bodo brali sami, temveč jim ga bo brala odrasla oseba, zato je njihov fokus izključno na ilustracijah. Teh se zato dotaknem v naslednjem poglavju, kjer opredelim pojem »ilustracija« ter povzamem kratko zgodovino ilustracij, pri čemer ugotovim, da nas ilustracije spremljajo že dolgo časa. Potem ko predstavim ključne informacije o slikanicah, bralnem razvoju otroka in ilustracijah, se lotim še same gradnje slikanice in kje z njo sploh začeti, saj so poleg ilustracije pomembni tudi likovni jezik, tipografija, format in oblika. Zatem pa se oblikovanja slikanice lotim tudi sama, pri čemer skozi svojo praktično izkušnjo opišem postopek izdelave. Za ilustracijo otroške slikanice uporabim grafično tablico Wacom One ter programa Adobe Photoshop za ilustrativni del ter Adobe InDesign za urejanje besedila.

Keywords:otroška slikanica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142499 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:128941059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Children's picture book and digital illustration
The thesis I am presenting focuses on the children's picture book, the relationship between the literary and the visual parts of the picture book, children's reading development from pre-reading age to adolescence, illustration, its history and the process of illustration using digital illustration tools. We will start by talking about the children's picture book, what defines it and how it is divided according to the relationship between image and text and according to its function. Another important aspect of children's picture books is the child's own reading development, which is why I address this in the next section. Children at different ages are interested in different literature and a different approach is needed. For the youngest children, it is also important to take into account that they will not be reading the text themselves, but an adult will be reading it to them, and therefore their focus should be exclusively on the illustrations. I therefore touch on these in the next chapter, where I define the term and summarise a brief history of illustrations, noting that illustrations have been with us for a very long time. Once we have learned the key information about picture books, children's reading development and illustrations, I then turn to the actual construction of the picture book and where to start. Because apart from the illustration, the visual language, typography, format and form are also important in designig children's picture book. Then I start designing the picture book myself, describing the process through my own practical experience. To illustrate the children's picture book, I use a Wacom One graphic tablet and programs Adobe Photoshop for the illustrative part and Adobe InDesign for editing the text.

Keywords:children's picture books

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