
Pregon kaznivega dejanja »ekocid« v mednarodnem kazenskem pravu : (magistrsko diplomsko delo)
ID Čebulj, Tim (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ekocid pomeni povzročitev obsežne okoljske škode, ki prizadene večje število ljudi ter obsega tako okoljsko škodo, povzročeno v času oboroženih spopadov, kot tudi škodo, ki jo planetu povzročajo multinacionalne korporacije ter mnoge druge oblike okoljskih škod. Zaradi obsežnosti njegovih posledic in potencialno eksistencialnega ogrožanja človeštva, so se v zadnjem času pojavili vse glasnejši pozivi k sprejetju spremembe Rimskega statuta, ki bi uzakonila prepoved ekocida. Pozivi zagovornikov ekocida so trčili ob enako vnete nasprotnike spremembe Rimskega statuta, ki opozarjajo na nedorečenost predlaganih definicij kaznivega dejanja ekocida, katera predstavljajo previsoke prepreke za uspešen pregon okoljskih zločinov (kot je npr. določitev subjektivnega elementa kaznivega dejanja) ter vsesplošne neprimernosti pregona ekocida pred Mednarodnim kazenskim sodiščem. Magistrsko diplomsko delo preizkusi hipotezo, da je ekocid primerljiv ostalim mednarodnim hudodelstvom ter bi posledično moral biti vključen v Rimski statut.

Keywords:ekocid, Mednarodno kazensko sodišče, okoljska kazniva dejanja, Rimski statut, varstvo okolja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Čebulj]
Number of pages:[88] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142487 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:129682947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Prosecution of the crime of »ecocide« in the International Criminal Law
Ecocide signifies widespread environmental damage, which affects an immense number of people and encompasses environmental damage caused by armed conflicts as well as damage caused to the planet by the multinational corporations. Due to the extent of damages caused and potentially existential threat to humanity, more and more vocal supporters of amending the Rome Statute with the fifth fundamental crime of ecocide have emerged. Supporters of ecocide have collided with equally determined opponents of the revision of the Rome Statute. The latter are warning against the vagueness of definitions of the crime set forward, which constitute too high of an obstacle for a successful prosecution of environmental crimes (such as determination of the mental element of the crime) and general unsuitability of the International Criminal Court for the prosecution of the ecocide. The Master’s thesis tries hypothesis that the crime of ecocide is of the same gravity and seriousness as other fundamental international crimes and therefore should be included in the Rome Statute.

Keywords:ecocide, environmental crimes, International Criminal Court, Rome Statute, protection of environment

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