
Vpliv okupacij na zdravje in dobro počutje starejših ljudi : diplomsko delo
ID Purg, Maja (Author), ID Mihevc, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bratun, Urša (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Staranje prebivalstva po celotnem svetu predstavlja velik družbeni problem. Starejši lahko prispevajo k družbi na različne načine. Veliko študij navaja, da starejši ljudje, ki živijo bolj aktivno in vsakodnevno samostojno izvajajo različne aktivnosti, živijo dlje od svojih vrstnikov. Cilj delovne terapije je usmerjen na odkrivanje smisla v že obstoječih okupacijah ali pridobivanju novih. Namen: Preučiti najnovejšo literaturo na temo okupacij, ki spodbujajo zdravo staranje. Opisati vpliv samostojne izvedbe okupacij na zdravje in dobro počutje starejših ljudi ter opredeliti vlogo delovnega terapevta pri spodbujanju zdravega staranja in ohranjanju okupacij. Metode dela: Izveden je bil sistematični pregled literature. Iskanje je potekalo med januarjem in marcem 2022 v podatkovnih bazah Web of Science, PubMed, CINAHL, OTseeker in ProQuest. Pri iskanju smo uporabili kombinacijo različnih ključnih besed v angleščini: zdravje, okupacija in starejši ljudje. V analizo so bili vključeni članki dostopni s celim besedilom, objavljeni v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, med letom 2012 in 2022 iz področja okupacij in vpliva samostojne izvedbe okupacij na zdravo staranje ter opredelitev vloge delovnega terapevta. Rezultati: Rezultate smo pridobili s pomočjo vsebinske analize štirinajstih vključenih člankov. Oblikovali smo štiri glavne teme: pozitivni učinki okupacij, okupacije, ki podpirajo zdravo staranje (podteme: ožje dnevne aktivnosti, socialna vključenost, prostočasne aktivnosti), vloga delovnega terapevta (podtemi: promocija zdravja in učinkovitost delovno terapevtskih obravnav v procesu staranja) in okupacijsko prilagajanje. Razprava in zaključek: Ker zadovoljstvo z življenjem med starejšimi s časoma in poslabšanjem zdravja upada, jih moramo spodbujati, da se po zaključku aktivne poklicne poti še zmeraj ukvarjajo z različnimi okupacijami. Ugotovili smo, da ima izvedba okupacij na zdravje in dobro počutje starejših pozitivne učinke. Omogoča ohranjanje motoričnih, procesnih in socialno interakcijskih spretnosti, pozitivno vpliva na duševno zdravje osebe (zmanjšuje stres in anksioznost), pomaga pri ohranjanju identitete, ki se lahko zaradi opustitve okupacij podre in omogoča, da so starejši ljudje vključeni v družbo ter posledično bolj zadovoljni z življenjem. Izveden pregled literature ima uporabno vrednost, saj prikazuje poglobljen vpogled v izbrano temo. Ugotovitve lahko pripomorejo k nadaljnjemu razvoju delovne terapije v Sloveniji.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, okupacijska znanost, delovni terapevti, smiselne aktivnosti, staranje, kvaliteta življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Purg]
Number of pages:47 str., [11] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142455 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:128753155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of occupations on health and well-being of older people : diploma work
Introduction: Population ageing presents an enormous problem for societies around the world. The older adults can contribute to society in many different ways. Several studies indicate that the older adults, who live actively and independently perform different every day activities, live longer than their peers. The role of occupational therapy is directed towards this goal, because it is focused on the discovery of meaning in existing as well as in new occupations. Purpose: To study the latest literature on the subject of occupations, which encourage healthy ageing. To describe the influence of independent performance of occupations to the health of individuals, well-being among the older adults and to define the role of an occupational therapist in encouraging healthy ageing and maintaining occupations. Methods: A systematic review of literature was conducted. The research was done between January and March 2022 in data bases Web of Science, PubMed, CINAHL, OTseeker and ProQuest. By our research we used a combination of different key words in English: health, occupation and older adults. The whole articles published in Slovene and English language between 2012 and 2022 in the fields of occupations, the influence of independent performance of occupations to healthy ageing and the definition of the occupational therapists role were included in the analysis. Results: We acquired the results with the help of content analysis of fourteen articles. We established four major topics: positive effects of occupations, occupations, which support healthy ageing, (subtopics: narrow every day activities, social inclusion, free time activities), occupational therapists role (subtopics: health promotion and effective work of an occupational therapist in the ageing process) and occupational adjustment. Discussion and conclusion: The satisfaction of life among older adults and along with the deterioration of health decreases in time, therefore we must encourage them, that they still engage in different occupations, after they have finished their active professional paths. We have discovered that occupations have a positive effect on the health and well-being of older adults. It enables the preservation of motor, process and social interactive skills, has a positive effect on the mental health of a person (it reduces stress and anxiety), it helps maintaining ones identity, which can be lost due to the omission of occupations and it enables the older adults to be included in the society, as a consequence they are more satisfied with their own life. The review of literature has a useful value, because it presents a thorough insight into the chosen topic. The findings can benefit further development of occupational therapy in Slovenia.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, occupational science, occupational therapists, meaningful activities, ageing, quality of life

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