Introduction: Parafunctional behaviours, especially bruxism, are common nowadays and present a great challenge for dentists. The patient's habits and behaviors affect the type of rehabilitation and used materials. Bruxism is an uncontrolled disorder associated with gnashing and clenching of teeth. The consequences of bruxism are excessive tooth wear, headaches, decreased bite height, muscle pain, especially in the masseter and temporal, and pain in the jaw joint. Dental crowns are shorter and chipped. If the patient still has his teeth, but they are too worn, the preparations for crown are made. In order to reduce damage to ceramic dental prostheses, a new method of manufacturing CAD/CAM was introduced. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to review the existing knowledge about bruxism and possible problems faced by dentists and laboratory dental technicians in the design and manufacture of dental prostheses in such patients. On top of that, it is intended to introduce modern technologies and materials compatible for CAD/CAM system. In the clinical case of two patients with bruxism, make appropriate dental restorations with materials of suitable mechanical properties and at the same time fulfill the patient's wishes. Methods: For the theoretical basis of the thesis, we used a descriptive method of work based on studies of existing professional articles and other literature. The practical part of the diploma work was performed in the dental laboratory. We made dental crowns with a zirconium oxide frame on teeth 11, 21, 22, and with a metal frame on teeth 24, 25 and 26. Results: Step by step we showed and described the steps of digital production, which we supported with graphical material. Discussion and conclusion: The introduction of the CAD/CAM system in dentistry brought the development of new techniques and materials for the production of dental replacements. Zirconium oxide is currently a very popular material in dental fixed prosthetics, but it should be used with caution as it is not the best choice for every patient. Sometimes a combination of traditional and modern materials is a better choice than following current work trends. Regardless of the mechanical properties of the desired material, the material from which antagonists are made, plays a more vital role. After a completed rehabilitation from bruxism, it is recommended to make a protective biting splint.