
Analiza vpliva začasne in trajne rabe prostora pri načrtovanju ter upravljanju begunskih taborišč : diplomsko delo
ID Ramšak, Rok (Author), ID Uršič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je ustvariti preobrat v razumevanju begunskih taborišč – stran od tehničnega pogleda na prostor izrednega stanja k pogledu na prostor bivanja, ki ima mnogotere vzporednosti z vsakdanjimi prostori mest. Medtem ko se mnogi avtorji v svojih analizah osredotočajo na specifične vidike taborišča (ekonomija, zdravstvo, arhitektura, preskrba s hrano, infrastruktura itd.), se sam lotevam celostne sociološko-urbanistične analize begunskega taborišča. Začnem s pregledom razvoja taborišča skozi zgodovino in ga prek pojava koncentracijskih taborišč pripeljem do begunskih taborišč, kot so se pojavila po 2. svetovni vojni in kot jih poznamo danes. Temu dodam tudi teoretsko opredelitev taborišča, ki je v zadnjih letih pod dominantnim vplivom Agambenovega koncepta izrednega stanja. Kot temeljni dokument, ki narekuje načrtovanje in upravljanje z begunskimi taborišči, kritično analiziram UNHCR-jev Priročnik za izredne razmere. V drugem delu nadaljujem s sociološko-urbanistično analizo begunskih taborišč Zahodne Sahare, pri kateri izhajam iz pisnih primarnih in sekundarnih virov, slikovnega gradiva in terenske raziskave, v kateri sem sodeloval v letu 2016. Čeprav taborišča lahko označimo za izredne prostore, v zaključku predstavim argumente proti Agambenovi hipotezi, da begunska taborišča nujno producirajo le golo življenje, in trdim, da so lahko hkrati tudi prostori agentnosti, ujeti v specifičen geografski in časovni prostor liminalnosti.

Keywords:Begunci, begunska taborišča, liminalnost, izredno stanje, Agamben, golo življenje, Homo Sacer, agentnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Ramšak]
Number of pages:69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142393 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:133134083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the impact of temporary and permanent use of space in the planning and management of refugee camps
The aim of the thesis is to make a change in the understanding of refugee camps - away from a technical view of the space of exception towards a view of the space of living, which has multiple parallels with the everyday city spaces. While many authors focus their analyses on specific aspects of the camp (economy, health, architecture, food, infrastructure, etc.), I undertake an integrated sociological-urbanist analysis of the refugee camp. I start with an overview of the development of the camp throughout history and, through the emergence of concentration camps, bring it to the refugee camps as they appeared after the Second World War and as we know them today. To this, I add a theoretical definition of the camp, which in recent years has been dominated by Agamben's concept of the state of emergency. I critically analyse the UNHCR Emergency Handbook as the fundamental document that dictates the planning and management of refugee camps. In the second part, I continue with an urban-sociological analysis of refugee camps of Western Sahara, drawing from written primary and secondary sources, visual materials, and field research in which I participated in 2016. Although the camps can be characterized as spaces of exception, in the conclusion, I present arguments against Agamben's hypothesis that refugee camps necessarily produce only bare life, arguing that they can also be spaces of agency, trapped in a specific geographical and temporal space of liminality.

Keywords:Refugees, refugee camps, criminality, state of emergency, Agamben, bare life, Homo Sacer, agency

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