
Stiljagi kot primer oblikovanja mladinske subkulture znotraj Sovjetske zveze
ID Weiss, Živa (Author), ID Mandelc, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Javornik, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče magistrsko delo obravnava mladinsko subkulturo, ki se je v Sovjetski zvezi oblikovala kmalu po drugi svetovni vojni. Gre za obrobni mladinski pojav, ki se je oblikoval znotraj sovjetske povojne resničnosti, vendar ni bil skladen z uradno mladinsko kulturo, ki jo je določala oblast. Svetla oblačila, kravate z vzorci, nenavadni plesni gibi, ležerna hoja, vzvišen pogled in zanimanje za zahodno kulturo pričajo o tem, da je jedro subkulture predstavljala želja po drugačnem življenjskem stilu. A še pomembnejše je dejstvo, da se stiljagi niso oblikovali v družbenem podtalju, temveč so si želeli izstopati in biti opaženi. V magistrskem delu se najprej sprehodimo skozi družbene in politične okoliščine povojnega obdobja, ki so pomembno vplivale na njihovo rojstvo. Nadalje se posvetimo naravi subkulturnikov, raziskujemo njihovo kulturno prakso, način oblikovanja subkulturnega stila ter proces širjenja in diferenciacije stiljaštva v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. V zadnjem delu se posvetimo razkrivanju reakcije nosilcev moralnih meja in predstavimo vzroke, zakaj so oblasti stiljaštvo predvsem v obdobju odjuge prepoznale kot grožnjo sovjetskemu režimu. Zaključimo z analizo medijskega popisa akterjev v reviji Krokodil in pojasnilom, na kakšen način je okrepitev družbenega nadzora v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja iz stiljagov kot nekonformistov oblikovala družbene deviante.

Keywords:stiljagi, stiljaštvo, sovjetska subkultura, povojna generacija mladih, zahodna kultura, jazz, Krokodil, moralna panika, uradni diskurz, Sovjetska zveza, destalinizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Weiss]
Number of pages:105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142185 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:136419075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Stiliagi as an Example of Creation of Youth Subculture in the Soviet Union
This master's thesis deals with a youth subculture that formed in the Soviet Union shortly after the Second World War. It is a marginal youth phenomenon that was formed within the Soviet post-war reality, but was not consistent with the official youth culture determined by the authorities. Bright clothes, ties with patterns, unusual dance moves, casual walking, haughty gaze, and interest in Western culture testify to the fact that the core of the subculture was a desire for a different lifestyle. But even more important is the fact that stiliagi were not formed in the social underground, but wanted to stand out and be noticed. In the master's thesis, we first explore the social and political circumstances of the post-war period, which significantly influenced the birth of stiliagi. Next, we focus on the nature of the representatives of the subculture, we investigate their cultural practice, the way of creating a subcultural style and the process of spreading and differentiating the stiliagi subculture in the 1950s. In the last part, we devote ourselves to revealing the reaction of the bearers of moral boundaries and present the reasons why the authorities, especially in the period of the Soviet Union's thaw, recognized the subculture as a threat to the Soviet regime. We conclude with an analysis of the media list of main representatives in the Krokodil magazine and an explanation of how the strengthening of social control in the 1950s transformed non-conformist stiliagi into social deviants.

Keywords:stiliagi, stiliazhnichestvo, Soviet subculture, post-war youth generation, Western culture, jazz, Krokodil, moral panic, official discourse, Soviet Union, de-Stalinization

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