
Primerjava urejenosti gospodarjenja z državnimi gozdovi v Republiki Sloveniji, Republiki Hrvaški in Bosni in Hercegovini
ID Gačo, Amina (Author), ID Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Državni gozdovi igrajo pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju GLS in ostalih ekosistemskih storitev gozda. V nalogi smo analizirali in primerjali urejenost gospodarjenja z državnimi gozdovi v Republiki Sloveniji (RSlo), Republiki Hrvaški (RHr) in Bosni in Hercegovini (Federaciji in Republiki Srpski). Na podlagi zakonodaje so v analiziranih državah za upravljanje z državnimi gozdovi ustanovljena podjetja, katera državi za upravljanje državnih gozdov plačujejo letna nadomestila, ki se med analiziranimi državami razlikujejo. Najvišja višina nadomestila za upravljanje državnih gozdov se pojavlja v RSlo (20,0 %), sledijo ji RHr in Republika Srpska (RS) z 10,0 %, najnižje nadomestilo pa imajo kantoni v FBIH, kjer se višina nadomestila giblje med 5,0 in 9,0 %. Analizirane države se razlikujejo tudi po osnovah za izračun nadomestila. RSlo ima kot osnovo prihodek od prodaje gozdno lesnih sortimentov, v FBIH je osnova določena na podlagi cene lesa na panju v skladu s cenikom in prihodkov od prodaje nelesnih gozdnih proizvodov, V RS je osnova prihodki od prodaje lesa določeni na osnovi cene lesa na panju v skladu s cenikom, v RHr pa je osnova prodajna cena lesa na panju. Vsem analiziranim državam pa je skupno, da plačujejo različnim subjektom nadomestilo za upravljanje z državnimi gozdovi (subjekti so država, kantoni in enote lokalne samouprave). Vplačana sredstva iz naslova nadomestila za upravljanje državnih gozdov uporabljajo upravičenci namensko in nenamensko oz. v različne namene (najpogosteje so sredstva porabljena za vlaganja v gozdove), vendar pa med analiziranimi državami obstajajo velike razlike. Poleg nadomestila za upravljanje državnih gozdov pa država prejema še druga nadomestila, ki jih plačujejo različni obvezniki. Največ drugih nadomestil prejme država iz naslova lastništva nad gozdov v FBiH (6 nadomestil), sledijo RSlo (5 nadomestil), RHr (3 nadomestila) in RS (2 nadomestili). Na podlagi raziskave lahko zaključimo, da se v RSlo država obnaša najbolj racionalno oziroma gospodarno, saj je predvideno najvišje nadomestilo za upravljanje državnih gozdov hkrati pa je osnova za izračun nadomestila (prihodki od prodaje lesa) odsev tržnih razmer in upošteva dejansko kakovostno strukturo posekanih sortimentov.

Keywords:upravljanje z gozdovi, državni gozdovi, nadomestila za upravljanje, podjetja, Bosna in Hercegovina, Republika Hrvaška, Republika Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gačo]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142183 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126759939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.10.2022
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Title:Comparison of the state forest management in Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
State forests play an important role in providing wood assortments and other forest ecosystem services. In the thesis, we analyzed and compared the regulation of state forest management in the Republic of Slovenia (RSlo), the Republic of Croatia (RHr), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation and Republic of Serbia). Based on the legislation, state forest management companies were established in the studied countries, which pay annual compensation fees to the state for the management of state forests, which differ between the studied countries. The highest compensation payments for the management of state forests are in RSlo (20,0 %), followed by RHr and Republika Srpska (RS) with 10,0 %; the cantons in FBIH have the lowest compensation payments, the amount of which varies between 5,0 and 9,0 %. The studied countries also differ in terms of the basis for calculating compensation fee. RSlo has as a base the revenue from the sale of wood assortments, in FBIH the base is determined on the basis of stumpage according to the price list and the revenue from the sale of non-wood forest products, in RS the base is the revenue from the sale of wood determined on the basis of the stumpage according to the price list, in RHr the basis is the sale price of the stumpage. All the countries studied have in common that they pay compensation fees for the management of state forests to different entities (state, cantons and local self-government units). The funds paid from the title of compensation fees for the management of state forests are used by the beneficiaries purposefully and non-purposefully and for various purposes (the most common use of funds is for investments in forests), yet, there are large differences among the analyzed countries. In addition to compensation fees for the management of state forests, the state receives other compensations fees, which are paid by various entities. Most other compensation fees are received by the state from ownership of forests in FBiH (6 compensation fees), followed by RSlo (5 compensation fees), RHr (3 compensation fees), and RS (2 compensation fees). Based on the research, we can conclude that in RSlo the state behaves most rationally or economically, as the highest compensation fee is provided for the management of state forests, while the basis for calculating the compensation (revenue from the sale of wood) is based on the market scale and takes into account the actual quality structure of the felled assortments.

Keywords:forest management, state forest, management compensation fees, companies, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Slovenia

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