
Izdelava namizne igre Catan s 3D-tiskom
ID Komel, Jure (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je opisan celoten proces izdelave namizne igre Catan z uporabo 3D-tiska. V teoretičnem delu sta predstavljeni dve najbolj komercialno razširjeni tehnologiji (FDM in SLA), materiali, ki se pri tem uporabljajo, in postopki naknadne obdelave. Opisana je namizna igra Naseljenci otoka Catan in njeni sestavni deli. Preverjeno je bilo trenutno stanje namiznih iger na področju 3D-tiska. Nazadnje je predstavljeno še 3D modeliranje v programu Blender in pravilna priprava datotek za 3D-tisk. V začetku praktičnega dela je prikazano oblikovanje unikatnih sestavnih delov 3D različice igre Catan. Za modeliranje je bil uporabljen program Blender. Končani modeli so bili ustrezno pripravljeni za tisk v programih za pretvorbo datotek v kodo G, ki jo 3D-tiskalnik lahko prebere. Opravljen je bil poskusni tisk z obema opisanima tehnologijama, ki je vodil do ugotovitve, da je bolj ustrezna tehnologija SLA. Sledil je tisk vseh sestavnih delov s to tehnologijo, za tem pa zahtevna naknadna obdelava, ki se je začela z izpiranjem modelov, sušenjem in utrjevanjem. Po tem se je odstranilo podpore, z brušenjem pripravilo modele in se jih pobarvalo. Končni izdelek obsega 6 šesterokotnih ploščic z različnimi pokrajinami, ploščico iz dveh delov, ki predstavlja morje, figuro roparja, 2 figurici naselja, 2 figurici mesta, 2 cesti, 2 križišči (ki sicer niso del izvorne igre) in žetone s številkami. Z veliko dodatnega dela bi bilo moč izdelati celotno igralno površino, ki bi bila primerna za igro, tako pa so ploščice lahko lepa dekoracija. Možne bi bile tudi določene izboljšave, predvsem pri pripravi modelov za tisk, ki se jih lahko upošteva, ko se bolje pozna zmogljivosti in omejitve tiskalnika.

Keywords:3D-tisk, 3D modeliranje, namizna igra, Catan, naknadna obdelava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142172 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Creating the Catan board game using 3D-print
This diploma thesis presents the entire process of creating the Catan board game using 3D printing. In the theoretical part, 3D printing is described, along with the two most commercially common technologies (FDM and SLA), the materials that are used, and the post-processing methods. There is an overview of the Settlers of Catan board game and its components and a brief analysis of the current state of 3D-printed board games. Lastly, the principles of 3D modelling in Blender software and the preparation of files used for 3D printing are described. The experimental part began by designing a unique 3D version of the Catan board game components using Blender. Finished models were exported and prepared for 3D printing in appropriate slicing software, which converts the files into G-code (a language that is understood by a 3D printer). Test prints were made using both technologies described in the theoretical part, which led to the conclusion that SLA technology was more suitable for our purpose. After that, all the models were printed with that technology and then post-processed, which was challenging. The post-processing started with the post-curing; then, the supports were removed, and the models were sanded smooth and painted. The final product is composed of 6 hexagonal tiles representing different land types, the two-part tile representing the sea, the robber token, 2 settlements, 2 cities, 2 roads, 2 crossroads (not originally included in the game) and the numbered tokens. With a substantial amount of additional work, it would be possible to produce the entire game board, which could be used for play; however, the tiles in themselves are beautiful and decorative. There are some possible improvements, especially in the preparation for 3D printing, which could be implemented when taking the 3D printer’s capabilities and weak points more precisely into account.

Keywords:3D-printing, 3D modelling, board game, Catan, post-processing

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