
Alelopatski vpliv japonskega in češkega dresnika na molekulske in strukturne lastnosti korenin vrtne redkvice
ID Šoln, Katarina (Author), ID Dolenc Koce, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Alelopatija je pojav, ko rastline preko sproščenih alelokemikalij zavrejo rast bližnjih rastlin. Namen naše raziskave je bil preučiti alelopatski vpliv invazivnih dresnikov, japonskega dresnika (Fallopia japonica) in češkega dresnika (F. ×bohemica), na strukturne, biokemijske, molekulske in ultrastrukturne značilnosti korenin testne vrste vrtne redkvice (Raphanus sativus). Izvlečka iz korenik obeh dresnikov sta se med seboj razlikovala po vsebnosti resveratrola. Metanolni izvlečki so imeli močnejši alelopatski učinek na redkvice kot posamezne alelokemikalije. Kalitev semen in rast korenin 3 dni starih kalic redkvice so zavrli tudi vodni izvlečki. V koreninah se je še posebej povišala vsebnost celokupnega glutationa, askorbata in prolina, kar kaže na znake oksidativnega stresa. Spremenilo se je tudi izražanje nekaterih genov, ki so povezani z askorbatno-glutationskim ciklom ter s programirano celično smrtjo. Izvlečki so povišali tudi aktivnost kaspazam in metakaspazam podobnih proteaz ter porušili organizacijo celic v posameznih koreninskih tkivih. Številne celice iz zunanjih slojev koreninske čepice so propadle. Na ultrastrukturnem nivoju so bile v celicah koreninske čepice najbolj izrazite naslednje spremembe: odstop plazmaleme od celične stene, poškodbe mitohondrijev, spremembe endoplazemskega retikuluma in pojav okroglih, elektronsko gostih vključkov v citoplazmi. Tudi meristemske celice so bile spremenjene. Pri daljši izpostavitvi je imel najbolj zaviralen učinek 10 % izvleček češkega dresnika, ki je povzročil propad večine rastlin. Rast glavne korenine tretiranih redkvic je bila v prvi polovici poskusa močno zavrta, po 14 dneh so pri preživelih redkvicah korenine dosegle kontrolno raven, parametri oksidativnega stresa niso bili povišani. Alelopatija dresnikov ima zaviralni vpliv predvsem na rast kalic redkvice, v koreninskih celicah se sproži oksidativni stres, kar vodi do programirane celične smrti.

Keywords:alelopatija, dresnik, Fallopia, izvleček, mikroskopija, rast, struktura, geni
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Šoln]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142137 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127413507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Allelopathic effect of Japanese and Bohemian knotweed on molecular and structural traits of radish root
Allelopathy is a phenomenon in which plants inhibit the growth of neighboring plants by releasing allelochemicals. The aim of our study was to investigate the allelopathic effect of invasive knotweeds, Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) and Bohemian knotweed (F. ×bohemica) on morphological, biochemical, molecular, and ultrastructural characteristics of roots of the tested species garden radish (Raphanus sativus). Extracts from both knotweeds differed in the content of resveratrol. Methanol extracts had a stronger allelopathic effect on radish than individual allelochemicals. In addition, aqueous extracts inhibited seed germination and root growth of 3-day-old radish seedlings. In particular, the content of total glutathione, ascorbate, and proline increased in the roots, indicating signs of oxidative stress. The expression of some genes related to ascorbate-glutathione cycle and programmed cell death were also altered. The extracts also increased the activities of caspase- and metacaspase-like proteases. The cell organization in root tissues was altered. Many cells from the outermost layer of the root cap were destroyed. The most prominent changes at the ultrastructural level were found in the root cap cells: plasmalemma was detached from the cell wall, mitochondria were damaged, endoplasmic reticulum changed and spherical electron dense inclusions appeared in the cytoplasm. The meristem cells were also altered. In long-term exposure, the 10 % extract of Bohemian knotweed showed the strongest inhibitory potential, causing the destruction of almost all plants. The primary root growth of the treated radish was strongly inhibited in the first half, after 14 days the root of the surviving plants reached the control level, oxidative stress related parameters did not increase. Knotweed allelopathy showed an inhibitory effect mainly on the growth of radish seedlings, which induce oxidative stress in the roots, leading to programmed cell death.

Keywords:allelopathy, knotweed, Fallopia, extract, microscopy, growth, structure, genes

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