
Vpliv katastrskih popisov na izvedbo zemljiške odveze na Kranjskem : (magistrsko diplomsko delo)
ID Komel, Svit (Author), ID Škrubej, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga je namenjena osvetlitvi načina uvedbe pojma enotne in izključne lastninske pravice na nepremičninah v Avstrijskem cesarstvu v 19. stoletju, izhajajoč iz primera dežele Kranjske. Jedro naloge je analiza popisa kot posebnega načina pridobivanja sistematične vednosti o lokalnih in relativno vsakdanjih pojavih, praksah in z njimi spetimi znanji, kot so denimo popisi mer in uteži, kompilacije običajnega prava, katastrski popisi ipd. Popis se v 18. in 19. stoletju ustali kot specifična vrsta znanstvene metode, ki so jo prevzele in se okoli nje (pre)oblikovale različne discipline, npr. statistika, astronomija, zemljemerstvo, meroslovje, topografija, etnologija in ekonomija. Obenem pa popis v tem času nastopa tudi kot tehnika vladanja, ki posega v lokalna in vsakdanja razmerja, običaje in pojmovanja. V nalogi to širše prisotno znanstveno-oblastno prakso popisa in njen pomen za spremembe prava v tem obdobju ponazorim na primeru vpliva treh katastrskih popisov – terezijanskega, jožefinskega in zlasti franciscejskega popisa – na izvedbo tako imenovane zemljiške odveze, s pomočjo katere je bilo na območju današnje Slovenije uveljavljeno sodobno pojmovanje enotne in izključne lastninske pravice. Na podlagi analize katastrskih del pokažem, da so katastrski popisovalci prek evidentiranja kmetovalskih navad, praktičnih znanj kmetov in njihovega poznavanja lastnosti zemljišč, lastninskih in občinskih mej, trgovskih poti in značilnih proizvodov pripravili teren za kasnejšo preobrazbo zemljiških premoženjskih razmerij.

Keywords:popis, kataster, zemljiška odveza, lastninska pravica, premoženjska razmerja, zakonik, kodifikacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Komel]
Number of pages:121 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-142076 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126511875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of cadastral surveys on the execution of the land relief in Carniola
The master's thesis aims to shed light on the way in which the concept of unitary and exclusive property on real estate was introduced in the Austrian Empire in the nineteenth century, based on the example of Land Carniola. The core of the thesis is an analysis of the survey as a specific manner of extracting systematic knowledge about local and relatively commonplace phenomena, practices and knowledge, coupled with these practices, such as inventories of weights and measures, compilations of customary law, cadastral surveys, etc. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, surveys became established as a distinctive type of scientific method, which was adopted in various disciplines that were consequently (re)shaped by this method, e.g., statistics, astronomy, surveying, metrology, topography, ethnology and economics. Simultaneously, the survey also emerged as a technique of governance, intervening in local and everyday relationships, customs and notions. The thesis illustrates this more broadly present scientific and administrative practice of surveying and its significance for the transformations of law in this period by studying the impact of three cadastral surveys—the Theresian, Josephine and, especially, Franciscan survey—on the execution of the so-called land relief (Grundentlastung), which established the modern concept of unitary and exclusive property right on the territory of present-day Slovenia. Analysing the work involved in the making of the three cadastres, I show that cadastral surveyors prepared the ground for the later reform of land property relations by recording agricultural habits together with peasants’ practical expertise and knowledge of land features, proprietary and municipal boundaries, trade routes, and staple products.

Keywords:survey, cadastre, land relief, Grundentlastung, property rights, code

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