
Zmota pri procesnih dejanjih v kazenskem postopku
ID Jerman, Liza (Author), ID Gorkič, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Procesna dejanja so ravnanja procesnih udeležencev, ki učinkujejo v kazenskem postopku in jim kazensko procesno pravo predpisuje predpostavke in učinke. Cilj te naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo splošne zakonitosti o tem, kako zmota kot napačna predstava oziroma neskladje med predstavo in izjavljeno voljo vpliva na veljavnost procesnih dejanj obdolženca, sodišča in upravičenega tožilca, ki predstavljajo izjave volje. Z analizo pojma procesnega dejanja je bilo ugotovljeno, da ni mogoča analogna uporaba pravil o zmoti iz kazenskega materialnega prava oziroma civilnega materialnega prava. Iz pojma procesnega dejanja namreč izhaja, da ta ni primerljiv niti s pojmom kaznivega dejanja niti s pojmom pravnega posla, čeprav procesna dejanja predstavljajo izjave volje. Iz pravne narave procesnega dejanja in kazenskega postopka izhaja, da zmota pri procesnih dejanjih ni upoštevna zaradi javnopravne narave razmerij v kazenskem postopku in načela pravne varnosti. Od navedenega pravila obstajajo tudi izjeme, ki so vezane zlasti na procesna dejanja obdolženca in so utemeljene z načelom pravičnosti, vendar pa pri njihovi presoji ni relevantno, ali je bil obdolženec dejansko v zmoti ter ali je zmota vplivala na njegova ravnanja, temveč je presoja možnosti zmote objektivna. Poleg navedenih izjem obstajajo tudi druge s pozitivnim pravom določene situacije, v katerih je posledice procesnih dejanj, ki so bila opravljena v zmoti, mogoče odpraviti – sodišče lahko na primer nekatere svoje odločitve samo spremeni, tožilec in domnevni storilec pa lahko svoja posredna procesna dejanja umakneta, načeloma dokler o njih ni odločeno.

Keywords:procesno dejanje, zmota, napaka volje, pravna narava procesnega dejanja, javnopravna narava procesnega razmerja, načelo pravne varnosti, načelo pravičnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141971 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:130518787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of mistake on procedural actions in criminal proceedings
Procedural actions are the actions of participants in criminal proceedings, which have an effect on criminal proceedings and for which criminal procedural law prescribes conditions and their effects. The aim of this work was to determine whether there are general rules about the effects of mistake (as a misconception or a discrepancy between a mental representation and a declared will) on the validity of the procedural actions of the defendant, the court and the prosecutor, which represent declarations of will. By analysing the concept of a procedural act, it was found that it is not possible to analogously apply the rules on mistake from criminal material law or civil material law. It follows from the concept of procedural action that it is not comparable to the concept of a criminal act or to the concept of a legal transaction, even though procedural acts are declarations of will. It follows from the legal nature of procedural actions and criminal proceedings that a mistake has no effect on the validity of procedural actions due to the public law nature of relations in criminal proceedings and the principle of legal certainty. There are also exceptions to the stated rule, which are related in particular to the procedural actions of the defendant and are justified by the principle of justice, but the assessment of the applicability of the exceptions is not dependant on whether the defendant was actually mistaken and whether the mistake affected his actions, but rather the assessment depends on objective criteria. In addition to the above exceptions, there are other situations defined by law in which the consequences of procedural actions that were affected by a mistake can be revoked - for example, the court can change some of its decisions on its own, while the prosecutor and the alleged perpetrator can in principle withdraw their indirect procedural actions until a decision has been made on them.

Keywords:procedural action, mistake, defects of intention, legal nature of procedural actions, public law nature of procedural relationships, principle of legal certainty, principle of justice

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