
Načrtovanje Turistično-literarne poti po Slovenskih Konjicah
ID Šuligoj, Neža (Author), ID Vilar, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Literarni turizem je kompleksen izraz, kamor štejemo obiskovanje znamenitosti, krajev, lokacij, literarnih poti in objektov, ki so povezani s kulturno dediščino obiskanega območja. Med kulturno dediščino pa spadajo tudi avtorji, njihova dela ter dela, ki govorijo o določenem območju, to pa splošne knjižnice skrbno hranijo na domoznanskih oddelkih. Namen magistrskega dela je prikazati celostno načrtovanje nove knjižnične storitve, preko načrtovanja z vsemi fazami, ki jih to zajema, do izvedbe in evalvacije. Z anketo ter statističnimi podatki smo pridobili demografske podatke potencialnih uporabnikov nove knjižnične storitve, njihovo morebitno članstvo v knjižnici, udeleževanje na dogodkih, ki jih organizira Javni zavod Splošna knjižnica Slovenske Konjice, poznavanje že vzpostavljenih tematskih poti v občini in pomembnih ustvarjalcev in del, ki spadajo v domoznansko gradivo, zaznavanje ideje predlagane storitve in mnenja o tem, ter poznavanje načrtovanja samega projekta. Z intervjujem smo pridobili podatke o ideji za literarno-turistično pot »Po Minattijevih stopinjah«, virih informacij, načinu dela, pomembnih dejavnikih, razlogih za oblikovanje poti ter težavah in zanimivostih med delom. SWOT analiza pa nam je na tem primeru osvetlila prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti, ki jih lahko pričakujemo med vzpostavljanjem nove knjižnične storitve.

Keywords:Turistično-literarna pot, načrtovanje, Slovenske Konjice, splošna knjižnica, domoznanstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141933 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126120451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Planning Literary Tourism around Slovenske Konjice
Literary tourism is a complex term, which includes visiting sights, places, locations, literary routes and facilities that are part of cultural heritage of the visited area. It also includes authors, their works, and works that talk about a certain area, which public libraries carefully store in the local history departments. The purpose of the master’s thesis was to show integrated planning of a new library service, through planning with all the phases it covers, to implementation and evaluation. Through the survey and statistical data, we obtained demographic data of potential users of the new library service, their possible membership in the library, participation in events organized by the Public library Slovenske Konjice, knowledge of already established thematic routes in the municipality and important creators and works belonging to cultural heritage, perception and opinions about new service, and knowledge of planning the project. Through the interview, we obtained information about the idea of the literary-trail "Minatti footsteps", sources of information, way of working, important factors, reasons for creating the trail, and problems and interesting things during the work. In this case, the SWOT analysis lightened the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that we can expect when establishing a new library service.

Keywords:Literary tourism, planning, Slovenske Konjice, Public library, local history

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