
Okupacijska meja med Nemčijo in Italijo na območju Litije : magistrsko delo
ID Meserko, Lea (Author), ID Balkovec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem magistrskem delu sem ţelela predstaviti dogajanje, ki ga je na slovensko ozemlje zanesla okupacija leta 1941. V prvem delu sem se posvetila litijskemu območju, v drugem pa gabrovškemu. Ţelela sem raziskati, kaj se je na tem območju dogajalo, ko so si slovensko ozemlje razdelili štirje okupatorji, kakšen je bil odnos okupatorjev do civilnega prebivalstva in kakšne posledice je sama okupacija prinesla. Dogajanje na litijskem območju je bilo precej pestro, prav tako v Gabrovki, ki sem se ji posvetila nekoliko bolj, saj gre za moj domači kraj. Ker je litijsko območje do Javorskega Pila pripadlo nemškemu, gabrovško območje od Pila naprej pa italijanskemu okupatorju, sem v nalogi predstavila dogajanje tako pod enim kot drugim okupacijskim sistemom. Nemški okupator je na litijskem območju zelo hitro pričel z dobro organizacijo postojank, ki so nadzorovale strateške točke na omenjenem območju. Italijanski okupator pa je bil v smislu nadzorovanja precej milejši, kar se je kazalo tudi v odnosih do lokalnega prebivalstva. Vojno stanje je kmalu prineslo narodnoosvobodilne ideje in organiziranje OF ter partizanskih čet, ki so se s takšnimi in drugačnimi akcijami postavljale nasproti okupatorjema. V zadnjem delu naloge sem se posvetila tudi spominom domačinov na gabrovškem območju, ki na nekoliko drugačen način predstavljajo obdobje okupacije. Za to sem se odločila tudi zato, ker je bila naša druţina neposredno na več načinov vpletena v vojno dogajanje.

Keywords:druga svetovna vojna, Litija, Gabrovka, narodnoosvobodilna vojna, okupacija, meje, okupacijske meje, partizani, Italija, Nemčija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Gabrovka
Publisher:[L. Meserko]
Number of pages:130 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141854 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:133233411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Occupation border between Germany and Italy in the Litija region
In my master's thesis I wanted to present the events that took place on Slovenian territory during the occupation that occurred in 1941. Mainly, I wanted to focus on the Litija area in the first part, and the Gabrovka area in the second part of my thesis. I wanted to research what happened in this area when the Slovenian territory was divided among four occupiers, what the attitude of the occupiers towards the civilian population was, and what consequences the occupation itself brought. The happenings in the Litija area were quite eventful, as well as in Gabrovka, which I paid slightly more attention to since it is my hometown. Since the Litija area up to Javorski Pil belonged to the German, and the Gabrovka area from Pil onwards belonged to the Italian occupier, I presented the events under both occupation systems in this assignment. The German occupier very quickly began with a good organization of outposts in the Litija area so that they could control the strategic points in said area. The Italian occupier, however, was much milder when it came to controlling the area, which was also reflected in the relations with the local population. The state of war soon brought national liberation ideas and the organization of the OF and partisan troops, which stood against the occupiers with various actions. In the final part of the thesis, I wanted to present the memories of the locals in the Gabrovka area, which represent the period of occupation in a different, more personal way. I decided to do this partly because my family was directly involved in the war in many ways.

Keywords:Second World War, Litija, Gabrovka, national liberation, occupation, borders, occupation borders, partisans, Italy, Germany

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