In times of high economic activity and constant economic growth, a society can face a shortage of workforce. Companies are competing for new employees and an acute shortage of suitable workers may arise. With a decline in population and low numbers of young workers, the economic growth and social development of a country face problems. Measures that reduced the unemployment in times of low economic growth are not very efficient in times of high economic growth. In this master's thesis we focused on the search of the potential labour force in the Slovenian labour market that could solve the shortage of suitable workers in times of high economic growth. In the second part we presented and evaluated measures that lower the unemployment rates. We also suggested new measures that could improve the current employment politics and lower the unemployment rates in critical areas. The Slovenian labour market has the most potential among the young educated unemployed people, the inactive older people, as well as the underemployed and foreign workers. The highest demand for workers is to be found in economic activities such as construction, accommodation and food service activities, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage. In order to fill these positions in the future, we will have to rely on hiring foreign citizens, who are already an indispensable part of the Slovenian labour market.