
Učinek različnih frekvenc vibracij, apliciranih na telo mišice tibialis anterior, na statično ravnotežje : diplomsko delo
ID Ušaj, Sara (Author), ID Rugelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Za učinkovito ohranjanje ravnotežja potrebujemo stalno delujoč nadzorni sistem. Mišična vretena v skeletnih mišicah posredujejo živčevju informacije o spremembi dolžine mišice in so občutljiva na vibracije, ki so aplicirane neposredno na telo mišice ali na kito. Mišica tibialis anterior je po mnenju določenih raziskovalcev najboljši mehanski vir proprioceptivnih informacij pri mirni stoji. Namen: Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali različne frekvence vibracij, aplicirane na telo mišice tibialis anterior, različno vplivajo na gibanje središča pritiska med mirno stojo, kar smo podrobno ocenili z merjenjem gibanja središča pritiska telesa. Metode dela: Sodelovalo je 32 zdravih prostovoljnih preiskovancev obeh spolov, starih od 18 do 47 let. Med mirno stojo s stopali tesno skupaj na pritiskovni plošči smo izmerili gibanje središča pritiska. Izvedli smo pet meritev: stoja brez vibracij pri odprtih in zaprtih očeh, zatem pa še stoja z zaprtimi očmi za vsako posamezno frekvenco vibracij. Mehanične vibracije smo aplicirali na telesi obeh mišic tibialis anterior s pomočjo taktorjev. Vibracije s frekvencami 30 Hz, 80 Hz in 130 Hz in amplitudo 0,8–1 mm so trajale 80 s. V statistično analizo podatkov smo vključili naslednje spremenljivke: hitrost gibanja središča pritiska, mediolateralno in anteroposteriorno pot gibanja središča pritiska ter ploščino gibanja središča pritiska, izračunano s pomočjo lastnih vrednosti kovariančne matrike. Pri statistični analizi smo uporabili analizo varianc za ponovljene meritve in Friedmanov test. Rezultati: Analiza podatkov gibanja središča pritiska pri apliciranih vibracijah na telo mišice tibialis anterior ni pokazala statistično pomembnih razlik med različnimi frekvencami vibracij. Ravno tako ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik med stanji z uporabo vibracij in stanjem brez vibracij pri zaprtih očeh. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da vibracije različnih frekvenc, nameščene na telo mišice tibialis anterior, ne vplivajo na statično ravnotežje pri zdravih mladih odraslih pri zaprtih očeh. Naše ugotovitve niso skladne z ugotovitvami drugih raziskovalcev, da vibracije na telo mišice tibialis anterior sprožijo spremembo nagiba telesa in motnje ravnotežja, kakor tudi, da višje frekvence povzročijo večji nagib telesa. V prihodnje bi bilo treba preučiti kombinacijo vpliva vibracij večjih amplitud na gibanje središča pritiska in nagib telesa hkrati.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, statično ravnotežje, vibracije mišice, gibanje središča pritiska, frekvence vibracij, mišica tibialis anterior
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Ušaj]
Number of pages:24 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125039619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of different vibration frequencies applied on the belly of tibialis anterior muscle on static balance : diploma work
Introduction: To effectively maintain balance we need a constantly working control system. Muscle spindles in skeletal muscles provide the nervous system with information about changes in muscle length and they are sensitive to vibration applied directly on the muscle belly or to the tendon. Tibialis anterior muscle is the best mechanical source of proprioceptive information during quiet standing. Purpose: We wanted to find out if different frequencies of vibration applied on the belly of tibialis anterior muscle affect movement of centre of pressure during quiet standing in different ways, which was assessed by measuring the movement of centre of pressure. Methods: 32 healthy volunteers of both sexes, aged 18 to 47 years participated in the study. During quiet standing on pressure plate with feet close together, we measured the movement of centre of pressure. We performed five measurements: standing without vibration with eyes open and closed, and then standing with eyes closed for each individual vibration frequency. We applied mechanical vibration to the muscle belly of both tibialis anterior muscles using tactors. Vibrations with frequencies of 30 Hz, 80 Hz and 130 Hz and with amplitude of 0,8–1 mm lasted 80 seconds. The following variables were included in statistical analysis of the data: velocity of centre of pressure, mediolateral and anteroposterior path of centre of pressure and area of centre of pressure according to the method of principal component analysis. In statistical analysis we used the analysis of variance for repeated measurements and Friedman test. Results: Analysis of data about movement of centre of pressure during applied vibrations on the belly of tibialis anterior muscle did not show statistically significant differences between different vibration frequencies. There were also no statistically significant differences with or without applied vibrations with closed eyes. Discussion and conclusion: Based on obtained results we can conclude that vibration of different frequencies applied on the belly of tibialis anterior muscle have no influence on static balance in healthy young adults with eyes closed. Our findings contradict the findings of other researchers that vibrations to the tibialis anterior muscle cause change in body tilt and imbalance, as well as those higher frequencies cause greater body tilt. In the future, simultaneously applied combination of influence of vibrations of larger amplitudes on movement of centre of pressure and body tilt should be examined.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, static balance, muscle vibrations, movement of centre of pressure, vibration frequencies, tibialis anterior muscle

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