
Učinkovitost funkcionalne magnetne stimulacije pri pacientki z vulvodinijo - poročilo o primeru : diplomsko delo
ID Vrbnjak Erbežnik, Teja (Author), ID Šćepanović, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Simetinger, Gabrijela (Comentor), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Spolne motnje prizadanejo 20–43 % žensk v rodni dobi. Ena izmed njih je vulvodinija, ki je definirana kot kronična bolečina vulve neznanega izvora, trajajoča vsaj tri mesece. Obravnava lahko vključuje psihoseksualno terapijo, fizioterapijo, medikamentozno in celo kirurško zdravljenje. Vulvodinija je lahko povezana s hiperaktivnostjo, povišanim tonusom ali slabim nadzorom mišic medeničnega dna, zato je fizioterapija osredotočena na to skupino mišic. Funkcionalna magnetna stimulacija je neinvazivna in neboleča metoda, pri kateri pride do draženja živčnih celic in s tem posredno tudi mišičnih vlaken. Dokazano učinkuje pri različnih bolečinah, pri bolečinah, povezanih z vulvodinijo, pa raziskav po našem vedenju ni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti uporabo in pridobiti podatke o učinkovitosti funkcionalne magnetne stimulacije pri pacientki z vulvodinijo. Metode dela: Podatki o pacientki so bili pridobljeni iz anamneze in medicinske dokumentacije. Učinkovitosti funkcionalne magnetne stimulacije smo vrednotili glede na spolno funkcijo z Indeksom ženske spolne funkcije in intenziteto bolečine z vidno analogno lestvico. Anamneza, vprašalnik in vidna analogna lestvica so bili uporabljeni pred pričetkom in po koncu sklopa desetih obravnav s funkcionalno magnetno stimulacijo. Rezultati: Število točk pri vprašalniku Indeks ženske spolne funkcije se je povečalo za 5, bolečina pa se je po vidni analogni lestvici znižala za 0,5 cm. Pacientka je poročala o velikem izboljšanju kakovosti življenja ter simptomov, kot so rdečica, oteklina in bolečina na predelu zunanjega spolovila. Razprava in zaključek: Etiologija vulvodinije je večvzročna, kar je morebitni razlog, da je izboljšanje glede na spremembo števila točk pri Indeksu ženske spolne funkcije in vidni analogni lestvici bilo le delno. Ob tem je pacientka poročala o velikem izboljšanju ostalih simptomov in kvalitete življenja, zato lahko rečemo, da je terapija bila učinkovita. Ker je pacientka vzporedno ob prejemanju terapije s funkcionalno magnetno stimulacijo prejemala tudi medikamentozno zdravljenje, ne moremo zagotovo trditi, da je bilo izboljšanje posledica izključno funkcionalne magnetne stimulacije. Učinkovitost funkcionalne magnetne stimulacije pri vulvodiniji je potrebno podrobneje raziskati, saj kvalitetnih raziskav na tem področju primanjkuje.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, spolne motnje, vulvodinija, bolečina, funkcionalna magnetna stimualcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Vrbnjak-Erbežnik]
Number of pages:26 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141782 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125074435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Functional magnetic stimulation effectiveness for a patient with vulvodynia - case report : diploma work
Introduction: Sexual disorders affect from 20 to 43% of women of childbearing age. One of them is vulvodynia, which is defined as chronic vulvar pain of unknown origin lasting at least three months. The treatment may include psychosexual therapy, physiotherapy, medication and even surgical treatment. Vulvodynia can be associated with hyperactivity, increased tone or poor control of the pelvic floor muscles, so physiotherapy is focused on this group of muscles. Functional magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive and painless method that stimulates nerve cells and thus indirectly muscle fibers. It has been proved to be effective in a variety of pains, but there exists no research on vulvodynia-related pain. Purpose: The purpose was to present the use and obtain data on the effectiveness of functional magnetic stimulation in a patient with vulvodynia. Methods: Information about the patient was obtained from the anamnesis and the medical reports that the patient brought to the first treatment. Data on the effectiveness of functional magnetic stimulation in the treatment was obtained with a questionnaire for the diagnosis of female sexual disorders, the Female Sexual Function Index and the visual analogue scale. Anamnesis, questionnaire and visual analogue scale were used before and after the set of ten treatments with functional magnetic stimulation. Results: The score on the questionnaire Female Sexual Function Index increased by 5 points, and the pain according to the visual analog scale decreased by 0.5 cm. The patient reports a significant improvement in quality of life and symptoms such as redness, swelling and pain in the external genitalia. Discussion and conclusion: The etiology of vulvodynia is multifactorial, which is a possible reason the improvement in score on the Female Sexual Function Index and visual analog scale was only partial. Even so, the patient reported a significant improvement of other symptoms and quality of life, so we can say that the therapy was effective. Since the patient was also receiving medication in parallel with functional magnetic stimulation therapy, it is not possible to state with certainty that the improvement was solely due to functional magnetic stimulation. The effectiveness of functional magnetic stimulation in vulvodynia needs to be investigated in more detail, as there is a lack of quality research in this area.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, sexual disorders, vulvodynia, pain, functional magnetic stimulation

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