
Prostovoljstvo kot sredstvo krepitve inkluzije otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju
ID Drobnič, Neža (Author), ID Jeznik, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mažgon, Jasna (Comentor)

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V slovenskem šolskem prostoru je zadnja desetletja veliko govora o inkluziji in inkluzivno naravnani šoli. Ocenjujemo, da je potrebno inkluzijo razumeti širše, če želimo, da bodo šole in druge vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove uresničevale svoje poslanstvo v smislu zadovoljevanja potreb vseh otrok in oblikovanja okolja, v katerega bodo vključeni tudi otroci z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Zato v naši magistrski nalogi predstavljamo širok pogled na inkluzijo, ki se povezuje s skupnostjo. Inkluzijo povezujemo s prostovoljstvom. Prostovoljstvo je, tako kot širše razumljena inkluzija, neločljivo povezano s skupnostjo in skupnostnim delovanjem, civilno družbo, spontanimi interakcijami in sprostitvenimi dejavnostmi. Najprej bomo kritično ovrednotili nekatera zakonodajna izhodišča v zvezi z obravnavo otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju in prostovoljstvom ter predlagali nekatere rešitve za omenjene probleme. Osredotočili se bomo na različne vidike vključevanja otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju v prostovoljstvo. Pri slednjem se bomo oprli na koncept 4 R, ki ga načeloma srečujemo v šolskem prostoru. V okviru tega koncepta se poudarja, da je potrebno, če želimo oblikovati bolj pravične dejavnosti, upoštevati temeljne razloge neenakosti. S študijo primera želimo pokazati, da prostovoljstvo podpira inkluzijo otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V študijo bomo vključili šest otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, pet prostovoljcev, štiri vzgojitelje in vodjo Doma Centra Janeza Levca Ljubljana. Ugotavljamo, da se v okviru sprostitvenih dejavnosti spodbuja in uresničuje inkluzija, in sicer z večih vidikov. Strpni in podpirajoči odnosi krepijo emocionalno povezanost med ljudmi, možnost izražanja mnenj pa predstavlja demokratično okolje. Konflikti so priložnosti za krepitev povezanosti med ljudmi, z raznolikimi mnenji in prepričanji.Prišli smo tudi do ugotovitev, da so predstave in mnenja o otrocih z motnjo v duševnem razvoju vezana na medicinski pogled, ki ne podpira širokega koncepta inkluzije, zato menimo, da je nujen premik k socialnemu modelu. Prvotni problem je v samem usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami, saj te otroke komisija za usmerjanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami razvršča v posamezne skupine glede na motnjo, kar kaže na prevladujoč medicinski model. Zato je prvi korak k širokemu razumevanju inkluzije prav oblikovanje individualiziranih programov, ki ne bodo vezani na motnjo posameznega učenca, temveč na posamezno potrebo otrok s posebnimi potrebami. To pomeni ukinitev različnih programov vzgoje in izobraževanja ter oblikovanje enotnih programskih izhodišč za vse učence, brez ukinitve standarda znanj.Drugi korak k širokemu konceptu inkluzije je izobraževanje študentov pedagoških v smeri inkluzivnih pedagoških praks, saj prepričanja vodijo naše vedenje, ki je lahko inkluzivno ali pa tudi ne. Zadnji, a najpomembnejši korak k širokemu razumevanju inkluzije predstavljajo različne strategije razvoja nevladnih organizacij s strani države, ki spodbujajo programe podpore in krepitve zmogljivosti organizacij, dejavnih na področju prostovoljstva, in ozaveščajo o prostovoljskih priložnostih.

Keywords:inkluzija, otroci z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, prostovoljstvo, etika, koncept 4 R
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141781 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Volunteering as strengthening inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities
In the Slovenian school system there has been a lot of talking about inclusion and inclusive school for the last few decades. The broad definition of the concept of inclusion is necessary if we want the schools and other educational institutions to carry out the mission of satisfying the needs of all children and formating of setting, where also the children with intellectual disabilities will be included. This is the reason for introducing the broad definition of the concept of inclusion; which is tied to the concept of community. We connect the voluntarism and the concept of inclusion. Volunteer work is, much the same as the broad understanding of the concept of inclusion, binded together with community, community service, civil society, spontaneous interactions and relaxing activities. Firstly we start with critical evaluation of legal basis regarding the treatment of children with intelectual disabilities and volunteering. Then we add some of the solutions for mentioned problems. At last we focus on various aspects of inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in volunteering. In latter we rely on the concept of 4 R, which is seen in the educational system. This concept is all about forming more righteously activities, while considering basic principles of inequality. With case study we demonstrate that volunteering is supportive of inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. In case study we include six children with intelectual disabilities, five volunteers, four teachers and manager of a home for children with special needs - Dom Centra Janeza Levca Ljubljana. We find out that leisure time activities support inclusion from different aspects. Acceptance and supportive interpersonal relations strengthen emotional connection between people, the possibility of expressing opinions represents democratic surrounding. Conflicts are opportunities for strengthening connection between people with different opinions and beliefs. We reached findings that ideas and opinions about children with intellectual disabilities are connected to the medical view, which does not support the broad understanding of the concept of inclusion, this is why we think the shift to social model is necessary. The original problem is with referral process of children with special needs, because the Referral commissions of children with intellectual disability classifies those children according to their disorder, which is indicatior of predominant medical model. This is why the first step to broad definition of the concept of inclusion is formation of individualized programs, which are not based on the childrens disorder, but on specifical need of children with special needs. This means cancellation of different education programms and formation of unified program basis for all children, without abolition of standards of proficiency. The second step to broad definition of the concept of inclusion is education of students from pedagogical courses in the direction of more inclusive practice, because beliefs lead our behavior, which can be inclusive or not. Last but most important step towards broad definition of the concept of inclusion represent different government development strategies of voluntary organisations, which promote programs of support and build up performance of different organisations in the area of volunteer work and aware of voluntary opportunities.

Keywords:inclusion, children with intellectual disabilities, volunteering, ethics, concept 4R

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