
Pogled vzgojiteljic na odnos vrtčevskih otrok do učenja angleščine kot tujega jezika
ID Majstorović, Jelena (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Angleščina je globalni jezik, znanje katerega je v večini disciplin ključnega pomena za akademsko in poklicno uspešnost. Angleščino tako kot predmet uvajamo že v vrtčevske programe, katerih namen je predvsem spoznavanje jezika in ustvarjanje pozitivnega odnosa do učenja. Odnos do tujega jezika je namreč kritični dejavnik učnih izidov ter kot tak vreden raziskovanja, kako nanj pozitivno vplivati. Cilji diplomskega dela so raziskati odnos vrtčevskih otrok do angleščine, preučiti vpliv odnosa otrok na učne izide pri angleščini ter izpostaviti ključne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na vrtčevskih odnos do angleščine kot tujega jezika glede na mnenja vzgojiteljic. Na podlagi tega se oblikujejo predlogi za poučevanje angleščine kot tujega jezika v vrtcu. Za namen doseganja ciljev smo izvedli intervjuje med dvema vzgojiteljicama in dvema pomočnicami vzgojiteljic, ki so prisotne na plačljivih tečajih angleškega jezika, ki jih vrtci izvajajo kot dodatno dejavnost. Ključne ugotovitve so, da imajo otroci pozitiven odnos do učenja tujega jezika in se ga tudi hitro naučijo. Na pozitiven odnos in učne uspehe vplivajo predvsem zunanji izvajalci, saj otroci navežejo z njimi poseben odnos ter njihovo predhodno znanje oz. domače okolje. Otroci namreč že v domačem okolju pogosto usvojijo angleške besede, saj jim starši predvajajo angleške risanke in pesmice. Uspeh pri nadaljnjem usvajanju in pozitiven odnos do angleškega jezika pa naj bi bil odvisen od kontinuitete učenja jezika, njihove nadarjenosti in zanimanja za sam jezik.

Keywords:angleški jezik v vrtcu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141774 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124750339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The view of educators on the attitude of kindergarten children to learn English as a foreign language
English is a global language, knowledge of which is crucial to academic and professional success in most disciplines. English is already introduced in kindergarten curriculums, the purpose of which is primarily to learn the language and to create a positive attitude towards learning a foreign language. Attitude towards a foreign language is a critical factor in learning results and as such worth of researching how to positively influence it. The thesis goals are to research the attitude of kindergarten children towards English, to examine the influence of children’s attitude on learning results and to point out the key factors that influence the attitude of children towards English as a foreign language according to the teachers’ opinions. According to the opinions, we will form the recommendations for teaching English in kindergarten. In order to achieve the goals, we conducted interviews between two kindergarten teachers and two kindergarten assistant teachers that are participating at English language course that kindergartens offer as an additional activity. The key findings are that children have a positive attitude towards learning a foreign language, which they learn fast. External teachers mainly influence children’s positive attitudes and academic success because children form a special relationship with them. Another positive factor is, according to teachers’ opinions, children’s previous knowledge from home environment because their parents play to them English cartoons and songs. Success in further learning and positive attitude towards the English language depend on the continuity of language learning, children’s talent and interest in the language.

Keywords:English language in kindergarten

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