
Izkušnje parov v obporodnem obdobju v času epidemije covid-19 v Sloveniji
ID Čuk Hadalin, Deja (Author), ID Ferfolja, Anamarija (Author), ID Klemenčič Rozman, Mija Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7398/ This link opens in a new window

Delo obravnava izkušnjo nosečnosti, poroda in obdobja šestih mesecev po porodu v času epidemije Covid-19 v Sloveniji. Izkušnje mater, ki so to postale prvič leta 2020. Primerja s tistimi izkušnjami, ki so jih pridobile matere, ki so to postale prvič leta 2019. Poglobljeno pa obravnava tudi doživljanje (bodočih) očetov v času partnerkine nosečnosti, med porodom in po porodu . Epidemija se je izkazala kot velik dejavnik tveganja za nastanek težav v duševnem zdravju in ranljive skupine (kot so pari v pričakovanju otroka) so bile v času trajanja le-te še bolj izpostavljene. Glede na veliko obremenitev zdravstva, ki je pri obravnavi nosečnic v naši državi glavno strokovno področje, sva v empiričnem delu s pomočjo kvantitativne raziskave preverili, v kolikšni meri so bile potrebe bodočih mater vseeno izpolnjene in v kolikšni meri jim je morebitna pomanjkljiva obravnava povzročala stres. Pričakovanje otroka pa ima poleg telesne, biološke dimenzije tudi socialno in čustveno, ki sta bili zaradi epidemije omejeni, čemur raziskava prav tako nameni pozornost. V kvalitativnem delu raziskave se ukvarjava tudi z doživljanjem bodočih očetov, ki jim je bilo v času partnerkine nosečnosti pogosto namenjene (pre)malo pozornosti. V njem ugotavljava, kaj je to očetom pomenilo za navezovanje stika z novorojenčkom in za prevzemanje nove socialne vloge. Vrednost ugotovitev je predvsem v možnosti za izboljšanje položaja bodočih staršev, ki si od okolja zaslužijo vso podporo, informacije in pomoč, ki jim jih le-to lahko da.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141709 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124232963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2022
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Title:The experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood during the COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia
The work focuses on the experience of pregnancy, childbirth and the six-month postpartum period during the Covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia. It also looks in depth at the experiences of (expectant) fathers during their partner's pregnancy, during labour and after the birth. The epidemic proved to be a major risk factor for mental health problems, and vulnerable groups (such as couples expecting a baby) were even more exposed during the epidemic. Given the heavy burden on the health care system, which is the main professional area in the treatment of pregnant women in our country, we used a quantitative survey in the empirical part of the study to examine to what extent the needs of expectant mothers were nevertheless met and to what extent any lack of treatment caused them stress. The expectation of a child has, however, not only a physical, biological dimension, but also a social and emotional dimension, which have been limited due to the epidemic, and to which the research also pays attention. In the qualitative part of the research, we also focus on the experiences of the expectant fathers, who often received (too) little attention during their partner's pregnancy. In it, we identify what this meant for fathers in terms of connecting with their newborn and taking on the new social role of father. The value of the findings lies above all in the potential to improve the situation of parents-to-be, who deserve all the support, information and help they can get from their environment.


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