In the framework of the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, the role of international human rights law has started to come to the forefront in the past two decades. International investment agreements, which regulate the rights and obligations of the States Parties towards investors and their investments, are mostly silent on the issue of ensuring the protection of human rights. Thus, in the framework of the international investment arbitration as the most common manner of solving investment disputes, the arbitrators must, within limits of their jurisdiction, fill the existing gap with the interpretation of the international public law sources. The master thesis analyzes the way of integration of international human rights law in the field of international investment law through the analyses of applicable legal sources. Furthermore, the master thesis examines the interpretation of clauses which are usually included in international investment agreements by taking into consideration the rules of international human rights law and examines certain cases from international investment arbitration practice, when the conduct of investors has led to violation of international investment agreements or when the State has violated the investor's rights in the pursuit of fulfilling its international commitments in the field of human rights protection.