
Kritična analiza konstrukcije konceptualnih okvirov v kognitivni znanosti
ID Praznik, Ela (Author), ID Markič, Olga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem umestitve konceptualnega delovanja v naturalistično sliko sveta, kakršno slika moderna naravoslovna znanost. Za ogrodje razprave vzamem filozofski sistem Wilfrida Sellarsa in njegovo artikulacijo konflikta med manifestno in znanstveno podobo človeka-v-svetu. Najprej se osredotočim na Sellarsov zagovor znanstvenega realizma in paradoks znanstvene redukcije, na katerega naletimo, ko znanost kot konceptualno dejavnost poskušamo reducirati na zgolj vzročne opise. V drugem delu artikuliram možnost razrešitve paradoksa z razumevanjem dvostranskosti intencionalnih pojavov kot hkrati pripadajočih tako redu normativnosti kot redu vzročnosti. Osredotočim se na normativnost jezikovnega obnašanja ter pokažem, kako lahko s funkcionalno teorijo pomena konceptualno mišljenje ter samo-zavedanje uspešno umestimo v znanstveno ontologijo sveta. V tretjem delu se posvetim vprašanju, na kakšen način so naši konceptualni okviri zamejeni s strani sveta, ki ga odkrijemo in ne samo ustvarimo. Sklicujem se na Sellarsovo elaboracijo predjezikovnih reprezentacijskih sistemov, ki jih rekonceptualiziram v navezavi na udejanjeno kognicijo in napovedno procesiranje. Zaključim z idejo, da pozunanjenje reprezentacijskih zmožnosti v distribuiran jezikovni sistem na nivoju skupnosti omogoči reformatiranje čutnosti v razumnost. Iz tega izpeljem neulovljivost človeške konceptualne narave v končni znanstveni podobi.

Keywords:Wilfrid Sellars
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:124147715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Critical analysis of the construction of conceptual frameworks in cognitive science
The master's thesis deals with the question of how to place conceptual activity into a naturalistic image of the world which is in the process of being produced by modern natural science. As the framework for my thesis, I take the philosophical system of Wilfrid Sellars and his articulation of the conflict between the manifest and the scientific image of man-in-the-world. I start by focusing on Sellars' defense of scientific realism and the paradox which we encounter when we try to reduce conceptual activity to mere causal descriptions. In the second part I articulate the possibility of resolving the paradox with an understanding of the double-faced nature of intentional phenomena as belonging both to the realm of normativity as well as to the causal realm. Focusing on the normativity of linguistic behavior, I show that using a functional theory of meaning conceptual thinking and self-awareness can be successfully located within a naturalistic ontology of the world. The third part concerns the question of how our conceptual frameworks are constrained by a world that we discover and not merely create. I invoke Sellars' elaboration of prelinguistic representational systems, which I reconceptualize with the help of enactivism and predictive processing. I finish with the idea, that the externalization of our representational capacities into a distributed linguistic system formed at the level of community, is what allows the reformatting of sentience into sapience. From this I derive the elusiveness of providing a final naturalistic description of human conceptual nature in an ideal scientific image.

Keywords:Wilfrid Sellars

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