
Identifikacija rešitev za prilagoditev učne poti za slepe in slabovidne
ID Medvešček, Klementina (Author), ID Golja, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kermauner, Aksinja (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7390/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo vključuje več sovpadajočih področij. Osrednje izhodišče magistrskega dela je inkluzija (tj. vključevanje) slepih in slabovidnih ljudi, zlasti otrok. Tema zajema delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami ter namensko organizacijo oziroma prilagoditev vsebin učne poti za slepe in slabovidne, tako da bi jim vsebine učne poti lahko bile na voljo v obliki tipne knjige (tipanke). V pregledu literature sem se poglobila v zgradbo in delovanje človeških čutil, zlasti oči, ter opredelila pojme slepota in slabovidnost. V nadaljevanju me je zanimalo, kako slepi in slabovidni spoznavajo prostor, kako se učijo in kako lahko samostojno živijo. Predstavila sem tudi učno pot Čez Most po modrost ter kraj, v katerem se nahaja, Most na Soči. Učno pot Čez Most po modrost je leta 2005 postavil Tolminski muzej, opisuje pa bogato kulturno in zgodovinsko dediščino kraja. V letu 2020 so bile vsebine poti v okviru študentskega projekta nadgrajene s temami s področja naravne dediščine kraja. V empiričnem delu naloge sem se posvetila možnostim, s katerimi bi lahko izbrane vsebine učne poti Čez Most po modrost prilagodili ranljivi skupini ljudi – slepim in slabovidnim osebam. Kot optimalno možnost za predstavitev vsebin sem izbrala tipanko, tj. tipno slikanico, ki uporabnikom omogoča spoznavanje stvarnosti s pomočjo dotika. Izdelala sem dva prototipa tipank, enega za odrasle in drugega za otroke, ki se razlikujeta glede na predvideno starost in izkušenost bralcev, vsebujeta pa izbrane vsebine iz omenjene učne poti. Pripravljen prototip tipanke sem dala v presojo slepim in slabovidnim uporabnikom ter zbrala njihove povratne komentarje, na osnovi katerih sem pripravila končni verziji tipank. V zaključku magistrskega dela sem izpostavila ključne izkušnje z izdelavo tipanke, ki bodo lahko v pomoč posameznikom, ki bi določeno vsebino želeli predstaviti slepim in slabovidnim s pomočjo tipnih slik.

Keywords:slepota in slabovidnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141643 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123829763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Identifying solutions to adapt learning pathways for the blind and visually impaired
The master's thesis includes several overlapping areas. The main topic of the Master’s thesis is the inclusion of blind and partially sighted people, especially children. The topic includes work with children with special needs and the organisation or adaptation of the contents of the learning path for blind and partially sighted, so that the contents of the learning path could be available to them in the form of a tactile picture book. In the review of the literature, I focused on the structure and the functioning of human senses, especially the eyes and defined the concepts of blindness and low vision. I was interested in how the blind and partially sighted perceive space how they learn and how they can live independently. I also presented the learning path “Čez Most po modrost” which is placed at Most na Soči. In 2005 the museum in Tolmin set up the learning path Čez Most po modrost which describes the rich cultural and historical heritage of the place. In 2020, as part of a student project, the contents of the route were enhanced with the topics from the area's natural heritage. In the empirical part of assignment, I focused on the possibilities to addapt the selected contents of the learning path “Čez Most po modrost” so it could be used by the vulnerable group of people – blind and partially sighted people. As the best option for presenting content, I chose a tactile picture book that enables users to learn about reality through touch. I made two prototypes of those books, one for adults and one for the children, which adjusted based on the intended age and experience of the readers. They contain selected content from the aforementioned learning path. I gave the prepared prototype of tactile picture books to blind and partially sighted people and collected their feedback. Based on that feedback I prepared the final version of tactile picture books. In the conclusion of my master's thesis, I highlighted the key experiences with the hand making of a tactile picture book. It will be of help to individuals who would like to present certain content to the blind and partially sighted with the help of tactile images.

Keywords:blindness and low vision

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