The master's thesis presents the system of surfing coaching programs in Slovenia and its comparison to the coaching programs of different EU countries and the International Surfing Association (ISA). We were interested in the differences and similarities at different levels of coaching programs. We compared the duration of the programs, the quantitative data of theoretical and practical content, and the syllabus at each level of coaching programs.
The data was collected by a questionnaire sent to different EU countries and responses were received from nine countries – Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. In addition to these countries, France and the International Surfing Association were included in the research. Slovenian coaching programs were compared with those of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, and the International Surfing Association, while the other aforementioned countries were not included in the comparison as they do not offer their own surfing coaching programs.
We found that coaching programs vary from country to country and that the differences are quite significant. The results showed that the Slovenian coaching program (both levels 1 and 2) is slightly more extensive than in other EU countries, but relatively comparable. It provides the participants with adequete professional qualifications to teach the basics of surfing.