
Pregled učinkov vadbe vzdržljivosti in moči na osebe s srčnim popuščanjem : magistrsko delo
ID Debevc, Mateja (Author), ID Tomažin, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hadžić, Vedran (Comentor)

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Srčno popuščanje je sistemska bolezen, ki vpliva na vse organske sisteme v človeškem telesu. Redna telesna aktivnost pomembno izboljša zdravje in je neposredno povezana z izboljšanjem izidov kroničnih bolezni, vključno s srčno-žilnimi boleznimi. Pri osebah s srčnim popuščanjem je vadba za vzdržljivost ključnega pomena za izboljšanje funkcionalne kapacitete in dvigu kvalitete življenja. Vadba za vzdržljiovost direktno vpliva na izboljšanje srčno-žilne funkcije in na delovanje perifernih skeletnih mišic. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil na osnovi študija literature predstaviti odnos med odmerkom vadbe (t. j., frekvence, trajanja, intenzivnosti in tipa vadbe) za moč in vzdržljivost ter njenim učinkom na razvoj največje aerobne vzdržljivosti. V podatkovnih bazah PubMed in Cochrane library smo naredili sistemski pregled randomiziranih kontrolnih raziskav, ki so raziskovale učinke vadbe na VO2max in Test hoje (6MWT). Na podlagi vključitvenih kriterijev smo izbrali tiste raziskave, ki so navajale tip vadbe, frekvenco vadbenih enot, trajanje in intenzivnost vadbe ter spremembe v izbranih parametrih (VO2max, 6MWT). V pregled smo vključili 46 raziskav, ki so preiskovale učinek vadbe vzdržljivosti na spremembo v VO2max, analiza rezultatov v eksperimentalnih skupinah je v povprečju pokazala 16 % napredek v primerjavi z vrednostmi pred začetkom vadbenega protokola. Glede na analizo rezultatov učinka vadbe vzdržljivosti na VO2max, je za največji napredek v aerobni vzdržljivosti priporočljivo vaditi več kot 3 krat na teden, skupno trajanje glavnega dela vadbene enote naj bo 30 minut ali več in intenzivnost vadbe nad 75 % VO2max. V celosten vadbeni program oseb s srčnim popuščanjem je potrebno vključiti tudi vadbo za moč.

Keywords:srčno popuščanje, vadba za vzdržljivost, odmerek vadbe, VO2max
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141611 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:125186307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Review of the effects of endurance and strength training in people with heart failure
Heart failure is a systemic disease that affects all organ systems in the human body. Regular physical activity significantly improves health and is directly related to improving the outcomes of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. For people with heart failure, aerobic training is critical for improving functional capacity and improving quality of life. Aerobic training has a direct effect on improving cardiovascular function and peripheral skeletal muscle function. The aim of the Master's thesis was to present the relationship between the dose of exercise (i.e., frequency, duration, intensity and type of exercise) for strength and endurance and its influence on the development of maximum aerobic endurance based on the study literature. In the PubMed and the Cochrane Library databases, we performed a systematic review of randomized control trials investigating the effects of exercise on VO2max and the Walking Test (6MWT). Based on the inclusion criteria, we selected those studies that indicated the type of exercise, frequency of exercise units, duration and intensity of exercise, and changes in selected parameters (VO2max, 6MWT). Forty six studies investigating the effect of aerobic training on changes in VO2max were included in the review. Results in the experimental groups showed an average improvement of 16% compared to the values at the beginning of the training protocol. For the greatest improvement in aerobic capacity we recommend for aerobic exercise to be carried out more than 3 times a week, with the total duration of exercise unit above 30 minutes and exercise intensity above 75 % VO2max. Strength training should also be included in the exercise program for people with heart failure.

Keywords:heart failure, aerobic training, dose-response relationship, VO2max

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