
Izračun volumna z metodami vzporednih grafičnih prerezov in geostatistiko : magistrsko delo
ID Petelin, Klemen (Author), ID Vižintin, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Metoda vzporednih grafičnih prerezov je najpogosteje uporabljena metoda pri izdelavi elaborata o klasifikaciji in kategorizaciji zalog določene nekovinske mineralne surovine. Metoda obravnavano območje razdeli na več pravilnih geometrijskih teles, ki so lahko bloki, piramide ali klini, in za izračun zalog uporablja znane enačbe za izračun prostornine teles. Možna alternativa metodi vzporednih grafičnih prerezov so interpolacijske metode. Interpolacija je metoda, s katero je mogoče določiti neznane vrednosti, ki so med znanimi vrednostmi. Pri interpolaciji je upoštevano pravilo, da so si neznane vrednosti bolj podobne bližje ležečim točkam, kot pa bolj oddaljenim. S tem je mogoče določiti potek ploskve ali funkcije na neznanih točkah. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljeno območje nahajališča opekarske gline Okroglica I. Definirana je njegova lega, velikost, geološke značilnosti in hidrogeološke značilnosti. Opredeljena so dosedanja raziskovalna dela in podrobneje opisane metode izračunov volumna mineralne surovine, ki so metoda vzporednih grafičnih prerezov in 4 interpolacijske metode: kriging, metoda z inverznimi razdaljami na potenco, metoda najmanjše ukrivljenosti in triangulacija z linearno interpolacijo. V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela je izveden izračun ter primerjava volumna območja Okroglica I po omenjenih metodah. Območje je bilo omejeno ob robovih, hkrati pa mu je bila dodeljena najnižja kota, ki znaša 61 m. n. v. Metoda vzporednih grafičnih prerezov je bila izvedena klasično, s pomočjo geološko geodetskega načrta v AutoCAD-u. Uporabljenih je bilo štirinajst vzporednih prerezov s povprečno medsebojno razdaljo 50 m. Preračun površin in volumnov je bil izveden s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel. Primerjalne interpolacijske metode so bile izvedene s programom Surfer 13 programskega razvijalca Golden Software.

Keywords:računanje zalog, interpolacijske metode, mineralna surovina, profilna metoda, geostatistična analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Petelin]
Number of pages:XI, 51 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141603 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:130438403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Volume calculation with parallel graphic sections and geostatistics : master's thesis
The method of parallel graphic sections is the most used method in the preparation of a report on the classification and categorization of supplies of a certain non-metallic mineral raw material. The method for calculating supplies uses known equations for calculating the volume of solids. The considered area is divided into several regular geometric solids, which can be blocks, pyramids or wedges. Interpolation methods are a possible alternative to the method of parallel graphic sections. Interpolation is a method that can be used to determine unknown values that lie between known values. In interpolation, the rule is that unknown values are more similar to closer points than to more distant ones. This makes it possible to determine the course of a plot or function at unknown points. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis is described the area of the Okroglica I brick clay deposit. Specified are its location, size, geological characteristics, and hydrogeological characteristics. Outlined are also previous research works and in more details the methods of calculating the volume of mineral raw materials. These are the method of parallel graphical sections and four interpolation methods: kriging, inverse distance to a power method, minimum curvature method and triangulation with linear interpolation. In the practical part of the master’s thesis, the calculation and comparison of the volume of the area of Okroglica I was carried out according to the mentioned methods. The area was limited along the edges and the lowest angle was determined as 61 m.a.s.l. The method of parallel graphic sections was carried out classically, with the help of a geodetic plan in AutoCAD. Fourteen parallel sections were used with average distance of 50 m. The calculation of areas and volumes was carried out using the Microsoft Excel program. Comparison-interpolation methods were performed using the Surfer 13 program, developed by Golden Software.

Keywords:reserve calculation, interpolation methods, mineral raw material, profile method, geostatistical analysis

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