
Merilna negotovost določanja toplotnih izgub merilne proge
ID BRODARIĆ, JERNEJ (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomske naloge je bil določiti merilno negotovost merilne proge za meritve toplotnih izgub. Merilna proga je namenjena za določanje toplotnih izgub stanovanjskih toplotnih postaj podjetja Danfoss, kjer sem tudi opravljal diplomsko nalogo. Z ustrezno merilno opremo je bilo potrebno določiti merilno negotovost modulov za meritev električne napetosti, električnega toka in temperature. Glavni cilj naloge ni bil samo določitev merilne negotovosti, ampak zagotovit, da bo bila ta čim manjša. Celotna naloga je v osnovi razdeljena na tri glavne dele. Prvi del opisuje teoretično ozadje toplotnih izgub in namen uporabe merilne proge. Na kratko so tudi opisani vsi elementi merilne proge s posebnim poudarkom na modulih proizvajalca National Instruments za meritve izmenične električne napetosti, električnega toka in dveh modulov za meritev temperature s priključenimi uporovni senzorji in termočleni. V drugem delu so predstavljeni rezultati meritev in kalibracije. Opisana je tudi celotna merilna oprema, uporabljena med izvajanjem kalibracije. Celotne meritve so bile izvedene po primerjalni metodi, kar pomeni, da se primerja vrednost referenčnega merilnik in merilnika, ki ga želimo kalibrirati. Pri izvedbi takega tipa meritev je bilo obvezno pridobiti kalibracijski list referenčnega merilnika za natančne izračune merilne negotovosti. Zadnji del je namenjen izračunom merilne negotovosti vsakega posameznega modula. Opisani so tudi vsi dejavniki, ki lahko posredno vplivajo na končni rezultat in s tem povečajo dvom v merilno opremo in razširijo skupno negotovost.

Keywords:kalibracija, merilna negotovost, toplotne izgube, električna moč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141523 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123995395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Measurement uncertainty of determining the heat losses of the measuring line
The aim of the thesis was to determine the measurement uncertainty of the measuring line for heat loss measurements. The measuring line is intended for determining the heat losses of residential stations of the company Danfoss, where I also completed my thesis. With the appropriate measuring equipment, it was necessary to determine the measurement uncertainty of the modules for voltage, current and temperature recording modules. The main goal was not only to determine the measurement uncertainty, but to ensure that it will be as small as possible. The scope of the thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part describes the theoretical background of heat losses and the operating principle of the measuring station. I also briefly describe all the elements that make up the measuring track. The greatest emphasis is on National Instruments modules for measurements of alternating electric voltage, electric current and two modules for temperature measurements, on which are resistance sensors and thermocouples. In the second part, measurements and calibration results are presented. All the measuring equipment with which I performed the calibration process is also described. All measurements were carried out using the comparative method, which means that the value of the reference meter and the meter that we want to calibrate are compared. When performing such measurements, it was necessary to obtain a calibration sheet from the reference meter for correct measurement uncertainty calculations. The last part is dedicated to uncertainty calculations for each module separately. All factors that can indirectly affect the final result and thereby increase the doubt in the measuring equipment and expand the total uncertainty are also described.

Keywords:calibration, measurement uncertainty, heat losses, electric power

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