
Učinki in razvojne dileme turizma in rekreacije v občini Bohinj
ID Markeš, Jože (Author), ID Cigale, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Bohinj ima dolgo zgodovino razvoja turizma in je eno izmed pomembnejših turističnih območij v Sloveniji. Glede na omejene prostorske zmožnosti se predvsem v času poletne turistične sezone kažejo številni vplivi na naravno in družbeno okolje. V svojem diplomskem delu iz leta 2007 z naslovom Poskus analize turistične nosilne zmogljivosti na primeru občine Bohinj je avtorica Darinka Maraž z analizo desetih indikatorjev ugotovila, da je pri nekaterih že presežen prag nosilne zmogljivosti. Do nastanka pričujočega dela se je turistični obisk Bohinja glede na preteklo diplomsko delo podvojil, kar je izkazovalo nujo po ponovitvi analize nosilne zmogljivosti. V pričujočem magistrskem delu torej ponovno obravnavamo učinke turizma in rekreacije v občini Bohinj z namenom, da pokažemo na spremembe, ki so posledica širjenja turistične dejavnosti. V nalogi se ukvarjamo tudi z nekaterimi najbolj vidnimi rekreacijskimi dejavnostmi, pri katerih je zaznaven konflikt med uporabniki prostora. Rezultati so pokazali, da je nosilna zmogljivost presežena pri več indikatorjih kot v pretekli analizi, rekreativne dejavnosti pa zahtevajo usklajen pristop vseh deležnikov z namenom vzpostavitve dolgoročno vzdržnega modela izvajanja konfliktnih dejavnosti.

Keywords:geografija turizma in rekreacije, nosilna zmogljivost, vplivi turizma, rekreativne dejavnosti, Bohinj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-141481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Impacts and development dilemmas of tourism and recreation in the Municipality of Bohinj
Bohinj has a long history of tourism development and is one of the most important tourist areas in Slovenia. Given its limited spatial capacity, a number of impacts on the natural and social environment are evident, especially during the summer tourist season. In her 2007 thesis entitled'Analysis of the tourism carrying capacity on the example of the Bohinj community', author Darinka Maraž analysed ten indicators and concluded that some of them had already exceeded the carrying capacity threshold. Tourist arrivals in Bohinj had more than doubled by the time this thesis was written, requiring a repeat of the carrying capacity analysis.This master thesis therefore revisits the effects of tourism and recreation in the municipality of Bohinj in order to show the changes resulting from the expansion of tourism activity. In the thesis, we also discuss some of the most visible recreational activities where there is perceived conflict among space users. The results show that carrying capacity is exceeded in more indicators compared to previous analysis. Recreational activities require a coordinated approach by all included in order to establish a long-term sustainable model for the implementation of conflicting activities.

Keywords:geography of tourism and recreation, carrying capacity, tourism impacts, recreational activities, Bohinj

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